❤︎ Coming Out ❤︎ (Gender-fluid)

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❤︎- Fluff

Another Request! @brianna7001
(Love the requests! Keep them coming lol)

Summary; You decided to come out to Five that your gender fluid!

(Y/n/n)~ Your nickname

Warnings: None :)

Y/n's POV

I sighed and looked at the ceiling. Come on Y/n you can do this. That's when I hear the door open I knew it wasn't Five so I didn't panic.
"Hey Y/n, you nervous?" Klaus asks me.
"Hell yes." I say, I put my hand on my heart jesus christ it is beating fast.
"Hey hey you have nothing to worry about."
"Uh yes I do! What if he thinks it's weird. Or he says something mean-"
"Y/nnn! Come on this is Five we are talking about, you know he loves you and would never say anything mean to you."

"Yeah your right but it is still scary."
"I know but I got you back okay?"
I nod, he ruffles my hair and leaves.
Today I was going to come out to Five about me being gender fluid. Basically my gender changes like yesterday morning I felt like a girl but then half through the day I honestly was feeling like a boy. Some days I feel non-binary. I told Klaus, Diego, and Vanya they all accepted me of course thank god!

But what helps them know my gender is I made three bracelets. One Purple bracelet is for girl, Red bracelet for boy, and Black bracelet for non-binary. I know I could of used "Pink girls Blue boys" but Purple, Red, and Black are my favorite colors. So when they see what color bracelet I had on they know what pronouns to use. Today I was wearing my red bracelet. But I was nervous to tell Five.

But I really wanna tell him because this is who I am and we been dating for a year now this is my first serious relationship so I want no secrets from him, everyday I tell myself I'm gonna tell him. I told Diego, Klaus, and Vanya about this last night so we had a emergency family meeting in Klaus's room.


"Okay so we need to help poor little Y/n here, they need to come out to Five! " Klaus says, I nervously play with my black bracelet.
"Come on Y/n you can do this!" Vanya encourages me.
"I want too! But I can't maybe next week.."
"No! Y/n you been saying that all week." Diego says.
"I knoww but I promise I will." I said they obviously knew i was gonna chicken out...they right-
"Y/n what are you a chicken?" Klaus says raising an eyebrow.
"What- me? Never!"
"Perfect the you'll do it first thing tomorrow!". Vanya says.

"Wait no-"
They all began to walk away.
"Your going to tomorrow (Y/n/n)!" Diego says.
Oh Jesus..

Flashback over;

I think about last night, okay Y/n prove to them you got this this! When I see Five today the first thing i'm gonna do it come out!


"Hey love Klaus said you need to tell me something?" Five said with a soft smile sitting next to me. Fucking Klaus man- But I know he is doing this out of love.
"Love are you okay?"
"I need to tell you something." Oh mother fucker I feel like passing out. He noticed how nervous I am and takes my hand.
"Baby you can tell me anything alright? No need to be nervous." He softy smiles. I nod.

"I-I'm gender fluid." I managed to get out. I look down and a minute goes by and i look back up.
"Say s-something." I say nervously tears coming out of my eyes. I thought he would look mad or look at me with disgust, but he looked puzzled.
"Gender fluid? What's that?"
"We'll I don't just feel one gender.. I feel multiple like today I feel like a boy, that's why I have my red bracelet on." I say then look at him for this reaction.

He looks into my eyes with a smile and hugs me. My eyes widen and hugged him back. I don't know why but I broke out crying.
"Darling why are you crying?" He asked worried.
"I thought you might be disgusted or would-"
"No! Definitely not, I am so proud of you I want you to be happy and be yourself." He wiped my tears away.

"Now I know why you wear different color bracelets?" He softly chuckles, I also nod and smile.
He looks at my bracelet and back at me.
"Well I am happy to call you my handsome boyfriend right now." He smirks and kisses my forehead.
"Thank you Five I love you so much." I say
"I love you more dear."
"No I-"
"Nope don't even try." He winks.

"Now let's go downstairs and maybe have some ice cream." Five asks, I nod and smile. He grabs my hand and we open the door.
"AAH!" Klaus, Vanya, and Diego fall into the room,
"Damn it Klaus I said not to lean on the door!" Diego yells.
"Why the fuck were you guys listening!" Five said pissed.
"Hey babe it's okay they know." I giggled.
"Oh." Five muttered.
"Good job Y/n!" Vanya hugged me.

"Thanks guys." I smiled, Five blinked us to the kitchen.
"Now time to make some ice cream sundaes." He smirked and got the ingredients out.
Yeah it's official, I have the best boyfriend ever.

A/n~ Aw I really liked this one lol, anyways today is my last day of thanksgiving break unfortunately😪. Not ready to go back ughh but it is what it is. Looking forward to winter break. I originally wanted to make a thanksgiving Image but i didn't have time and i wanted to post it before or on thanksgiving but like I said things happen. Also if it says that this story is "completed" that's not correct idk why but it keeps saying it is. I think I fixed it but just incase it's not completed, not anytime soon.

Have amazing day/night, drink water and wear your seatbelts. Byee <3

Total words: 1039

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