❤︎  Secret Santa ❤︎

203 4 5

He/him pronouns
❤︎- Fluff

Summary: All of the you decide to do Secret Santa, what happens when you get someone you have a huge a crush on.

(Y/f/s)- Your Favorite Snack
(Y/f/d)- Your Favorite Drink
(Y/f/I)- Your First Initial

Warnings: None <3

Third Person POV:

Being in the Umbrella Academy sounds amazing to be in right? The powers, missions, and adventures. Yes the Umbrella Academy did have their fun moments. Sneaking to Griddy's, having a free day from training, and yes some missions were fun. But the holidays? Not much fun.

Unfortunately for the Umbrella Academy members Old Reggie here didn't celebrate Christmas. No decorations, no looking at Christmas lights, making cookies, the list goes on. They would just have dinner and then get some break off of their studies and training.

It has been a year since the Umbrella Academy stopped the apocalypse, so that means this is their first Christmas all together in a while. Klaus, Y/n, Five, Luther, and Diego lived in the academy. Allison and Vanya still lived in their apartment/home but decided to stay for the holidays. Since this was there first Christmas in years, Klaus and Y/n had an amazing idea.

Five's POV:

Klaus and Y/n called an emergency family meeting, wonder why? All of us sat on the couch as Klaus and Y/n stood in front of us.
"Attention children me and little Y/n called this meeting because we are excited to tell you news!"
"Yes we decided since we never had a Christmas together we should have one this year!" Y/n said jumping a little bit, he is so adorable.

"What do you mean? We had Christmas before." Diego says flipping his knife.
"No! Those definitely didn't count. Klaus and I did some research and Christmas should be filled with lights!, a tree, cookies!"
"They're right! We should have a Christmas party." Allison says.
"Exactly Allison! It will be fun and we have a fun little game." Klaus says.
"What game?" I asked, Y/n turned to me.
"Secret Santa!"

"Secret Santa?" Luther asked.
"Yes, basically we wrote down our names and we pick a random paper and who ever name you get you get a gift for them! And on Christmas you reveal who you got!" Y/n explained.
"Hm not a bad idea." Vanya says.
"Precisely, but we all need to pitch in with Christmas decorations and etc so can we all do this together pleasee?" Y/n dragged the "e." We all looked at each other and nodded.

I usually wouldn't wanna do this but for Y/n for course I mean look at him! He is so adorable and just so handsome.
"Yay! Okay so I already the names, so I'll just mix it into the hat then we can get started!" Klaus says. He puts the papers with our names and mix's it. He passes the hat around as we pick a piece of paper. It was finally my turn, I pick a paper and open it.


"YES!" I shouted, everyone looked at me. Crap meant to say that in my head.
"I mean- whatever."
I hear Y/n laugh and lightly smiled. This is perfect! I just need to know what to get him. Honestly I wanna ask him out already, maybe on Christmas? What if he rejects me?

"Okay everyone one got a person?"
"Good now I have jobs for you guys since we are gonna make this the best Christmas ever!" Klaus says.
"Damn y'all really planned this out huh?" I say.
"Now Luther and Diego you two need to get the Christmas tree, Klaus will get lights, Allison and Vanya gets ornaments plus decorations, and finally Five and I will bake cookies and make the food." Y/n explained. Fuck yeah! Can this day get any better?

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