❤︎ Killing Isn't for Everyone ❤︎

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He/him pronouns

❤︎- Fluff

Summary: You had to kill someone for the first time on a mission and you hated it, so Five of course comforts you.

(A/n: I think someone made something like this, i remember reading something similar to this but I honestly forgot who or where I read it from so credit to whoever made a Image similar to this!)

Warnings: Mentions of blood

Five's POV:

Me and Y/n where relaxing in my room just talking and having fun. We both just finished training for the day we where both pretty exhausted, so we decided to relax.
"Ughh I am so happy tomorrow is our free day." Y/n says with a dramatic sigh. I lightly chuckled.
"Yeah we can spend more time together." I play with his fluffy hair, he's cheeks turn a little pink.

Me and Y/n't relationship was interesting we are friends but with benefits? Like we act like a couple but we are friends of course. Even though I really wanna ask him out to be my boyfriend but I don't wanna ruin the friendship. I was about to ask about it until we hear the damn mission alarm. Y/n and I both look at each other and groaned.

"I swear to god we never catch a break." He said while fake crying.
"I know I know, come on let's go see what the old man has to say." I help Y/n off the bed and we both head for the living room.

We head downstairs and stand in number form. Me and Y/n stand by each other Ben is in the middle of us though since Vanya apparently "isn't special enough to be on missions and stuff."

"As you know we have an unexpected mission. For this I only need three of you and I already know who I will be picking." Dad says looking at us one by one.
"When I call your name go upstairs and quickly get ready the rest of you can continue resting from training."

"Number Three, Number Two, and...."
"Please not me please not me." I hear Y/n whisper.
"Number Eight. When you are done getting ready meet my by the front door. Dismissed." He says and walks away. Oh crap Y/n has never been on a mission without me before, what is he gets hurt and I can't be there to protect him? Y/n goes upstairs to change and I quickly blink up there.

"Whoa Five are you okay?"
"Let me go on the mission, i'll take your place."
"Wait why?"
"Because i'm not gonna be there to protect you."
"Five, darling I can take care of my self." He lightly smiles.

"Are we you sure?" I say blushing from the nickname.
"Yes! Promise, plus afterwards we can relax again and maybe go to Griddy's tonight?"
"Of course, now go get ready." I kiss his forehead.
"Also we need to have a serious talk when you come back." I added , thinking about how I was finally
gonna confess my feelings. He nodded and went into his room and changed. Please be careful.

Y/n's POV:

Allison, Diego, and I went into the limo to go to our mission. Okay maybe I lied to Five I was very nervous. Yeah I can protect myself but usually on missions Five comforts me. But it will be alright because I have Allison and Diego.

"Y-Y/n are y-you okay?" Diego interrupted my thinking.
"Huh? Yeah sorry just thinking.."
"Oh come on Y/n you will be fine we got this!" Allison says, I smile she's right. We finally arrived at the Laboratory yes apparently our mission is some people at the laboratory doing bad things they wanna steal illegal chemicals and things like that.

"Okay we need a plan." I whispered as we stepped out or the limo. All three of us went on the roof and saw the inside of the lab. There are six guys.
"Okay we all take two guys down." I say, Allison and Diego nodded.
"Hey guys be careful okay?" Allison lightly smiles.
All three of us are pretty close we all always hangout when we have free time. They also know about my crush on Five. Allison is a best friend to me (obviously Klaus is my number best friend) and Diego is like a big bother to me.

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