❤︎ My Little Snowflake ❤︎

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They/Them Pronouns

Summary: You have a snow day at the academy. This takes place before Five goes to the future, y'all are 13.

Warnings: none <3

Y/n's POV:

I woke up to my alarm and scoffed. Another day of training. I hate it because dad over does it, he pushes us to our limit. I got up thinking how bad today was gonna be until I see something white on my window? I walk towards my window and see..SNOW! My mood immediately turns
to happy and I quickly run to Five's room.

Which is ironically next to mine, I open with out knocking and see him still sleeping.
"FIVE GET UP!" I yell while shaking him.
"H-Huh? I'm trying to sleep!"
"But look! It's snowing, pleasee."
He sighs and sits up, he lightly smiles at me.
"Alright alright i'm awake." He says.

He pulls me into bed with him, "Let me just hold you." He mutters and wraps his arms around me, I nuzzle into his chest. Did I forget to mention we are dating? We been together for almost three months now. Anyways as much as I love cuddling with my hot boyfriend I'm way to excited about the snow.
I kept squirming but trying to stay put. He looks down at me, "Your to excited about the snow aren't you?"

"Mhm maybe." He kisses my forehead and let's me go. "Come on let's get ready for the day, maybe after train we can ask to play in the snow."
I nods and kiss his cheek, "See you in a bit my love."


After breakfast we usually have our studies, training, free time, lunch and so on. But dad did something I never thought he would do.
"As you know we do not celebrate Christmas but since you have been working hard, we'll some of you" He mutters the last part. "Today you will have free time only, as well as tomorrow. But then we get back to our regular schedule. Do you understand?"
"Yes!" We all day excited.
"Very well you are excused." Dad left to his office doing god knows what.

We all hanged out in my room.
Five, Me, and Klaus on my bed, Diego, Luther, and Ben on the floor, Allison on my chair, and Vanya on the beanbag.
"We should have a snow day!" I say.
"Yes great idea, we should ask mom since she will most likely say yes." Klaus says clapping his hands.
"Diego you should ask since your her favorite." Five says, "Hey! Mom loves all of us Diego is a mama's boy." Ben says looking up from his book.

"What n-not true!" Diego says, but we all know it is.
Diego does downstairs hopefully she does says yes. I feel Five's arms wrapping around me. I look at him and smirk. "Hi." I say. "Hello love." He kissed my forehead.
"Wow you missed my lips." I dramatically sigh, he chuckles and we both lean in.
"Jesus you guys make me feel so single." Klaus said fake crying.
"Honestly though you two are so cute together." Vanya said smiling, "Thanks Vans."
"Okay if you had to choose a girl to date who would it be?" Klaus asks me randomly.

"Definitely Van-"
"Excuse me?" Five raises is eyebrows at me.
"Uh-I said no one." Five kisses my forehead, "Good that's what I thought."
Diego comes back, "She s-said yes!"
We all leave and get ready into our winter clothes. I knock on Vanya's door and she answers.
"Hey Vanya wanna build a snow mann?" I say smiling. (A/n-I just realized that's from Frozen LOL)

She nods and we her supplies like carrot, hat, scarf, and so on. We go outside. "Y/n do you know how to make a snowman?"
"Pft of course how hard can it be!" I lied.
Okay it took us like 30 minutes because the movies lie making a snowman is not easy. We high-five and laughed, our snow man kinda looks deformed but it's so amazing.


Five's POV:

We all been outside for almost an hour. Klaus, Diego, and Luther were having a snowball fight.
Ben was making snow angels with Allison, and Vanya and Y/n just finished building their snowman.
"F-Five you wanna h-have a snowb-ball fight with us?" Diego asks, you know what fuck it this actually might be fun. "Sure why not?" I say.

It was me and Klaus vs Diego and Luther, today must have be magical or something because for the first time Diego and Luther were actually getting along, honestly everyone was getting along. And today was actually fun, I wish everyday can be like this. I throw a snowball at Luther and he quickly dodged. But Y/n is right behind him!

"Love look out!" I warned, they turned around and didn't move in time, Y/n fell on the floor I feel horrible! I quickly run towards them and help
them up.
"Holy shit I am so sorry baby! It was an accident please don't be ma-" Before I could finish my sentence I get hit by a snowball.
"That's what you get!" Y/n smirks.
"Ohh your so on." I also smirk. That's when everyone started to have a snowball fight. Y/n and I were at war and as much as I love them, I'm gonna win! We kept throwing snowballs and Y/n ran towards me about to throw the snowball until they slipped and dragged me down with them.

We both laugh and I realized how close we are and that I'm hovering over them. I start to blush, they grab my collar and kiss me and immediately melt into the kiss, until I feel snow on my back! I get up seeing Luther laughing, "You ruined their moment!" Klaus fakes crys into Ben's shoulder. Before I could get my revenge mom says she has hot chocolate inside. We all surrender and head inside.

We all sit by the fire talking about funny memories.
"Do you guys remember on our first mission a fan asked Y/n what's your favorite thing about the Umbrella Academy and they said and I quote "What's the umbrella academy?" Allison says and all of us laugh.
"What! I was nervous it was my first time talking to a fan!" Y/n said embarrassed, I miss their forehead.
"Your so adorable." I whispered to them. Vanya looks a little sad since she doesn't go on missions
Y/n notices and says, "Okay but my one of my favorite parts is coming home and Vanya playing the violin for us especially when we are exhausted."

"Oh yeah Vanya plays good."
"Definitely so relaxing."
"Love when she does that."
"She plays so elegant."
Vanya blushes, "Thanks guys."
I see Y/n yawn and they look sleepy. I bring them to my lap and kiss the top of their head.
"Take a nap love you had a long day."
They nod and put their head on my chest, I put a blanket on us.

"I love you, my little snowflake."


A/n- Okay so I was supposed to release this yesterday but i freaking had THREE Christmas, divorce parents check. But i'm like "you know what even though it's a day late imm still gonna post it lol" Anyways hope you have amazing day/night. Drink water and wear your seatbelts, byee love y'all <3

Total words: 1250

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