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Enveloped in the darkness of her bedroom, laying down in her twin bed, 17 years old Natalia Charles was besides herself.

Tonight was going to be the night she will finally do it.

Her heart was racing a mile a second, beads of sweats coating her skin even if her bedroom windows were wide open, and the cool fall air was whistling through. She was a nervous wreck. The anticipation was killing her.

She licks her now dried lips and gulped thickly when she heard the footsteps getting closer and closer to her door.

During dinner time tonight, he gave her that look she knew all too well. The one that always send a cold shiver down her spine and flips her gut.

"Happy birthday my dear Natalia, I have the perfect gift for you later." He said with smirk and a wink. The double meaning not lost on her.

She averted his lust filled gaze, and swallowed that lump that was forming in her throat.

She looked around the table and watched under her long eyelashes her foster mom sitting at the other end of the dinner table looking at her with disgust.

She quickly bring her eyes back down to her plate and let some of her big curly afro hair falls down over her eyes.

Does she know?

How could she possibly not know?

But she never says anything.

Their 2 kids, Carl and Marissa didn't even look up from their phones to acknowledge her even after hearing it was her birthday.

Not a shock though.

She has been living here since she was 15 years old, and although they were her age, Carl being one year older than her, they never cared to get to know her. And they never failed to let her know her place.

She was below them in their eyes.

She didn't care though.

She has always been alone, looking out for herself and she will continue to do so because what the fuck is the alternative.

This wasn't her first foster home but she was determined to make it her last.

Her mother had dropped her off in front of a police precinct one night as an infant leaving her behind in a cardboard box, wrapped in a blanket and a note.

The note was long gone without her knowing the content of it, but at least they remembered to jot down somewhere the birthday she had written on that piece of paper for her.

Child of the system, for years she was angry at her mom. Jumping from one home to the next, not ever knowing what kind of people she will be encountering was heartbreaking and terrifying for little Natalia.

She ran away a couple of times. She was branded a problem child.

Teenage Natalia didn't have it any better neither. She unfortunately developed rather early. All the flat chested girls in school hated her for all the attention she was getting.

And she had to constantly dodge and avoid entitled assholes who thought it was all OK to just grab her ass, or purposely brush up on her in the crowded hallways.

She had to deal with the sudden lustful looks of the foster dads, had to fight off a couple of so called foster siblings as well.

When the moms and the wives would suspect something, they would quickly return her like an unwanted regifted Christmas gift.

Always one the tallest girls in her classes, she wasn't a stick figure and had actual curve and an ass, she looked way older than she really was.

So when her social worker was bringing her to this house at 15, and warned her not to cause trouble and lie about them because they were good people, she was already exhausted. She prayed that was true, she was willing to make this work until she aged out at 18 and leave.

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