Chapter 7

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The sexual tension in the car on their way to his house was almost palpable, and so was her nervousness, which Henri was getting a nose filled of. But looking at her, you'd never know she was feeling any kinds of way.

Besides her entangled fingers on her lap and her gaze never straying from her window, she showed no signs of her being anxious. If Henri wasn't a shifter and smelling it off of her, he'd never know. Which got him wondering what has she gone through in her life that pushed her to train herself to portray this facade.

Stopping at a red light, he decided to quickly text her the address they were heading towards and kept glancing to see her reactions.

She first frowned when she noticed she got a text from him, then read the contents and gave him a smile. Her shoulders relaxed and she sank a little lower unto the seat.


"If you have any questions or concerns Ms. Natalia, please don't be afraid to ask me."

His deep voice was so smooth and soft, it washed over her giving her goosebumps. Will she never stop having this reaction to him?

And when it came to the concerns, now that she was in the car on their way, she couldn't believe she was really going through with this. He was still a stranger, he could be a serial killer. Not that her quick background check of  him willed anything, but the best serial killers are fantastic people on the surface with perfect records.


"You are not a serial killer, are you?" she asked twisting herself on her seat a bit to face him, which hikes her skirt up just a bit more giving him a better view of her thick thighs.
He shifted a bit in his seat to adjust his pants that was starting to have a hard time keeping his growing bulge in.

Then her question went through his ears, snapping him out of his thoughts.

He looked at her shocked and burst out laughing. He really didn't want to laugh at her, but she seemed to be serious and her questioning face was just too adorable.

"Is that what you've been worried about?"

She shrugged, "well can you blame me? You must admit this is a bit weird."

"True" he said nodding.

Although in his world, it was not unheard of to spend several days with a sub and play several scenes then part ways. What he had never done however, was asked anyone to his home. That was his sanctuary and he didn't like mingling other's scents there.

So why did he feel compelled to ask her. Her vanilla and lavender scent filled the car, and it calmed his cat way more than he has ever been in his life. He approved of this human.

Other women he has fucked, his cat just got off on pure sexual instinct. He didn't shift almost at all living in the city, so sex was a good way to let out his frustrations.

He smiled thinking of how NY would react if they saw his lion running around.

They were 10 minutes away when she asked. "Why did you ask ME?" As if she couldn't believe he'd pick her out of all the other women.

Does she not realize she is a fucking goddess?

"Why not?... I consider myself the lucky bastard that got a yes out of you, any soul would be lucky to spend even a mere 5 minutes in your presence." A growl escaped his throat on its own accord. Just the thought of another man spending any time with her, unsettled both him and his cat which was now back to being on alert, pacing back and fourth in the back of his mind.

" Was that a growl? "

He smiled Sheepishly, scolding his cat internally.

"Just thinking of all the things I want to do to you ma belle."

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