Chapter 18-Not Alone Anymore Part. 2

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The moment she came back home...well not home.

The penthouse.

The second she stepped foot in there she already regretted accepting to go out with her coworkers.

She just wanted to soack in the tub then wear one of Henri's shirts that smelled just like him, then hop on his freakishly huge bed and bury her nose in his pillows.

Just like she has been doing all week.

She missed him.

Painfully so.

It's beyond understanding how one could fall so fast so deeply in love with someone in such a short period of times.

She was the happiest she's ever been with him. Even when they were just sitting in silence just reading in each other's presence.

There's a powerful stillness in him that she found herself needing. It grounded her and forced her to truly be in her present.

Because, all she has been doing her whole life was drifting away, going through the motions, numb to the world. But Henri pulled her out of her dark hole and saved her, and the idea of never seeing him again...

His smile

Those dimples

Those abs

His strong thighs and arms

His comforting scent

His eyes........ Oh his piercing green emerald eyes with specs of gold.

She missed him and the way she felt couldn't be normal.

How could she possibly feel this way towards someone after hanging out for less than a month?

But there was no denying it. Without him around, she felt cold.

She let out a dry laugh. She felt like she was trapped in one of her many werewolves fantasy books where the main characters started feeling the unexplainable feeling of a mate bond.

Perhaps in real life, this bond does exist to some degree. How else was she supposed to explain this ache she  was feeling in the pit of her stomach.

She shook her head in disbelief.
Going out might not be a bad thing after all. Experiencing the club in its entirety, talk and dance, and it's not like she could cancel anyways.

She ate a quick delicious dinner Henri's chef left for her in the oven, and began to reluctantly get ready.

A small part of her was excited, but the bigger introverted part wanted to just stay home and read a book.


The fact that she started calling Henri's penthouse home, was not lost on her. But she brushed it off and went in the showers.

30 minutes later she was in the walk-in fussing over what to wear. She wanted to look reserved enough not to attract too much unwanted attention, but cute enough as to not embarrassed her co-workers by not looking good enough... I mean that's got to be a thing right?

She settled on a solid black long sleeves crop top with a plunge neck twist front and coupled it with a skinny high waisted black jeans, which cinched in her waist and accentuate her lush curves.

She didn't want to bother with makeup, but for a splash of color she decided on a matte dark red lipstick, and for her eyes just a simple eyeliner. That's when she stopped and really paid attention to her eyes in the mirror.

Looks like Arielle was right... They do have the same eyes.

She shook her head in a desperate attempt to dislodge any thoughts of her biological mother out of her mind.

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