Chapter 22- African Prince

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She shook her head in disbelief with a bitter laugh and glossy eyes.

"It figures."

"What is it ma belle ?"

"My body is somewhere right now in a coma isn't it?

" What?

Kitten, what are you talking about? "

" Well that's the only thing that makes sense. I've read countless fantasy romantic books, so my overactive imagination have created this world for me with you in order to cope with the fact that I'm probably somewhere dying right now. "

" Goddess... Natalia, i know it all may be hard to... "

" Hard to what? Hard to believe?" Another humorless laugh escaped her lips.

Besides when he was watching her bleeding to death, Henri has never been more afraid before in his life. He was losing her.

"Kitten please let me..."

"Nope... Nope nope nope nope. You've said enough mister or should i call you, your highness?"

Henri groaned and passed his hands on his face.

"Tell me my African Prince, are you the one plaguing my emails asking for money, because from the looks of things you've got enough." She exclaimed her arms waving around.

He growled a warning and the hair stood in the back of her neck, knowing this wasn't a happy one. Anyone else would have probably backed down but she went on harder.

" Oh no! Don't you growl at me sir... And what's with all the growling anyway, shouldn't you be roaring at me or something?"

He was sitting on the edge of the bed watching her pace back and forth in front of him, but she may as well has been a thousand miles away.

Her body was tense, fists clutched on her sides, cheeks reddened out of anger and she flinched everytime he tried to reach out to her which hurt him more than he'll ever admit.

She saw the sadness in his eyes when she flinched away from him, and her heart sank. She couldn't bear to see him sad even if this was all probably a dream.

"I can't think with your arms around me Henri... And right now i need to able to think."

"I understand... But baby this is all real."

She stopped pacing and looked at him dead on, head slightly cocked to the side.

"Henri Beausejour..."


From all the women he's grown up around with, he knew hearing his full name coming out of her lips would not be a good thing.

So before she went on he quickly tried to diffuse the tension. "Ok, how about we get something to eat first mmm? Then you will have some time to digest all of this info."

" You have told me that you are a prince soon to be officially the king of your people which just so happened to be a pride because everyone here are shifters.... SHIFTERS HENRI! CATS! and if that's not a doozy enough, I AM ONE OF THEM NOW because that was only way you could saved my life hence why my stomach is looking as smooth a baby's bottom right now instead of with two bullet holes, and you expect me to be able to eat??? "

As soon as she finished her rant, her stomach growled loudly. She blushed furiously. Henri smiled. He couldn't help it. She was adorable even furious.

" Well that said it all. Do you want to go down with me? Everyone been dying to meet you. "

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