Chapter 12-Special

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' I don't do relationships'


'I don't do relationships'

The words just kept echoing in his head over and over again.

Accepting that she was indeed his mate, meant that he couldn't let her go and to be honest, even if she wasn't he didn't think he could. But then again that could also be the mate bond speaking.

Ahhh this was frustrating! There's not one person he knew whom could guide him through this, given that type of thing hasn't happened in many generations.

He was outside the bedroom, on the balcony pacing back and forth butt naked ignoring the brisk cold in the air nipping at his...bits. Then he face-palmed himself, annoyed he didn't think of this before. He has the perfect person he could ask.

"Hello...?" he asked out loud, expecting, hoping to hear that booming voice again, but was met with pure silence.

"Say something!" he muttered with gritted teeth. "You spoke before, why are you refusing to do it again?"

"I did no such thing. You have only imagined it. Now go back to our mate."

"Am I just imagining it all right now as well?"




"Oh CMON!"

*sigh* "what is it you need of me human that it is so important that you need to stay out in the cold when we could have been inside next to our mate keeping her warm and safe."

"She is warm and safe... And we barely get cold. And trust me I'd much rather be laying next to her, but this is a lot of firsts and I have many questions."

"I will do my best, but first I must ask... why are you speaking out loud for everyone to hear? Do you not understand that I'm already in your head so I can just hear your thoughts?"

"How was I supposed to know this!?"

"Common sense."

Henri was getting frustrated, no-one has ever dared speak to him this way before.

"Calm down human and ask your questions, the night is growing short."

"Do you have a name?"

"It is Adil the just and righteous one."

"It is great to meet you Adil."

"We have always been together."

"Then why is tonight the first time I've ever heard your voice?"

"That is of no concerns to you."

"Adil please, you said you'd answer. Have you always had the ability to speak to me or was that just because of Natalia."

"The ability to speak to my human counterpart has nothing to do with our mate....

Over time, shifters and their animal spirits grew apart. As the world changed, so did you. You outgrew the need for us guiding you in this manner."

"So you all just...gave up on us."

"I've known you to be an intelligent human,  do not let your emotions crowd your brain and capacity to think clearly.

Although we were no longer allowed to speak to you with words, but we have been always there..."

"Allowed?... Are you saying it's against the rules to talk to us?"

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