Chapter 17-Not Alone Anymore Part. 1

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There were too many questions, too many thoughts and words fighting to spill out of her mouth and yet... She sat there silently unable or unwilling to prod her eyes away from the woman sitting across from her in this limo in fear that she will disappear and this would all be a cruel dream.

She's opened and closed her mouth several times, but the words tired of being strangled by the weights of the various emotions ravaging her have abandoned her.

The pain of her nails digging into her palms drawing blood finally snapped her out of  her stupor and she was able to croak out some sounds.

"W-wwhy now?"

She's dreamt of this moment for so long as a child and none of the scenarios she's cooked up in her lala land came close to this one.

This was her mother....

Her mother!

Why did she give her away? She was obviously wealthy. Before she was born she was already a billionaire, so the lack of money could not have been the reason to give her up.

Then she made the quick math in her head.

She must have been a teenager when she got pregnant.

Could that have been the reason?

She took a deep breath and composed herself as much as she could.

"Why now Ms. Whitlock?"

She wince as she heard her name.

Did she expect to being suddenly called mother or something?

" Somehow, Mr. Beausejour figured it out and...well..."

"Ahhh, so that's what the tension between you two was about."

An uncomfortable silent stretched between them while she gazed out the car window, wondering what's her next move should be.

"Were you ever going to tell me?"


Her silence was deafening. It scorched through her and burrowed itself straight to her heart shattering it in a way that only a mother could do.

And that's when she realized, all these years she still kept with her a sliver of hope that she wasn't hated by her own mother, that life circumstances probably beat her down so much that she had to give her up, that maybe one day, if the universe ever willed it, they'd found each other again and she would finally know what it felt like to being embraced by a mom.

But that's not what happened.

She scoffed at the thought.

Why would it happen that way after all. It was her life we were talking about. That level of contentment wasn't meant for her, because the woman in front of her didn't even want her to know the truth. She was forced to by Henri.

The thoughts of Henri hit her like a ray of sunshine clearing away the clouds. She closed her eyes and breathe again, find the strength in her limbs again.

That's what he did for her even when he was not near.

She wasn't alone anymore.

So she opened the car door to leave, but before she stepped out.

"My father?"


"Does he know about me?"

"No.... Last time I checked he was in Canada....But that was years ago and..."

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