Part 1

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Me and Tom arrive on set of Avengers Endgame, my excitement now mixed with nervousness. I feel Toms hand in mine, I look up at him as he squeezes my hand tightly, "Don't worry, they're gonna love you! Come on" He opens the door and we walk onto set.

Tom slips his hand from mine as Scarlett Johansson quickly approaches us, "Hey Tom! Hi you must be the newest addition! I'm Scarlett" She holds out her hand with a huge smile on her face.

I take her hand smiling and shake it, "Nice to meet you I'm Y/n Y/l/n! I can't wait to work with you and everyone else"

"Nice to meet you too, I think your first scene is with Evans." She smiles letting go of my hand and turns her head pointing back at Chris Evans as he walks over.

"Hi I'm Chris, you must be Y/n. Hollands best friend right?" He holds out his hand to me as well.

"Yep I'm Y/n Y/l/n nice to meet you" I take his hand shaking it as I smile. After more of the cast comes to greet me I spot her. Elizabeth Olsen, my favorite actress.

She walks over to us with a big smile on her face, "Hi! I'm Elizabeth but you can call me Lizzie! It's nice to meet you" She takes my hands in hers as I feel my body tense.

"It's nice to meet you too, I'm Y/n Y/l/n" I smile as she squeezes my hands a little.

"You're her favorite actress" Tom adds making my cheeks burn.

"Tom shut up!" I slap his arm as he laughs, I look back at Lizzie who's giggling.

"I'm your favorite huh?" I see a small smirk form across her lips. I raise an eyebrow at her as she clears her throat. "I'm honored to be your favorite actress"

"Really?" I furrow my brows at her as she nods. I'm about to start again when my phone goes off. "Oh hold on I gotta take this" I answer my phone walking away from everyone. "Hello?"

"Hello miss Y/l/n? We are sorry to inform you that your payment didn't go through so your apartment was given to someone else." The lady on the phone says.

"What!? So you're telling me that I'm here with no where to live for the next few months!?"

"I'm sorry ma'am"

"Ugh... it's fine I guess. Do you know why my payment didn't go through?"

"I don't know."

"Ok well thank you for telling me."

"Have a nice day, I'm sorry again"

"You too. Bye" I hang up and shove my phone back in my pocket. "What am I gonna do? I have nowhere to go.." I sigh squatting down putting my hands on my face. I can stay at a hotel but ugh damn it.

"Y/n?" I look up to see Lizzie standing in front of me holding her hand out, "Let me help you up" I take her hand as she pulls me up to my feet. "I heard what you said, you have nowhere to stay?"

"Yea.. my payment for my apartment apparently didn't go through so someone else got it. Now I have nowhere to stay.." I sigh looking down at my hand that I now notice Lizzie is still holding onto.

"I have an extra room in my house.. do you want to come stay with me?" Lizzie offers me, i look at her confused.

"You.. you want me to stay with you!? We just met!" I exclaim confused at her offer.

"So? I'm not gonna let you be homeless in a town you don't know! Besides, I have a feeling we are gonna be great friends" She smiles grabbing my other hand, "What do you say?"

She really wants me to stay with her?? "No I couldn't do that! I don't want to be an inconvenience. I can just get a hotel until I find an apartment"

"Well I can't let you do that! Id love to have you stay with me" She grabs both of my hands, "So.. will you stay?"

"Oh my god, yes! Thank you!" I throw my arms around her hugging her tightly. "How are you so nice? You just met me!"

Lizzie laughs wrapping her arms around me tightly hugging me back, "I told you I'm not letting you be homeless. Besides it gets lonely in that house since my fiancé is gone right now. It'll be nice to have some company"

"Thank you.. I can't thank you enough!" I let go of her and grab her shoulders smiling as Tom walks over.

"What's going on over here? Why'd I hear you thank her?" Tom starts questioning me as I drop my arms to my side.

"My payment for my apartment didn't go through and they gave it to someone else. So Lizzie offered me to stay with her in her extra room" I feel her hand in mine as she stands next to me making my cheeks burn. 

"What? You could stay with me Y/n you know that!"

"In your one bedroom apartment Tom?" I question as Lizzie let's go of my hand. I look over at her then Tom brings my attention back to him.

"I can sleep on the couch" He crosses his arms.

"I'm not gonna do that to you! Tom it's ok, I'll be fine at Lizzie's. I promise" I take a few steps towards him putting my hands on his shoulders. "Don't worry about it. Now let's get to work" He sighs walking away seeming a little sad. I brush it off and follow after him with Lizzie walking next to me.

After a long day of shooting I find Lizzie standing outside my trailer with a smile, "Ready to go roomie?"

"Yep! Let me say bye to Tom real quick then we can go" She nods as I close the trailer door and walk up next to her with a goofy smile on my face. Not too far from us I see Tom waving to me. "Speak of the devil there he is" Tom jogs over to us tackling me into a big hug, "Hey, I was coming to say bye! You know you didn't have to stay all day. You didn't even have any scenes"

"I know but I wanted to be here to support my best friend you know?" He smiles letting go of me and then hugs Lizzie. "Thank you for letting her stay with you Lizzie"

"It's not a problem Tom, it'll be nice having some company over so I'm not so lonely. Ready?" Lizzie turns to me as the two separate.

"Yep! See you later Tom! Thanks for being here for support" I give him a quick hug then back up.

"Bye you two, no problem! What are best friends for." He sighs, "You should get going it's late. I'm gonna head home too"

"Ok bye." I wave to him then follow Lizzie to her car. I look back to see Tom just standing there watching us. I wave at him and he waves back then walks away. Me and Lizzie get in the car and drive off.

"You hungry Y/n?" She checks looking over at me then back at the road.

"Starving" I chuckle awkwardly as I hold my stomach that coincidentally growls.

"McDonald's ok?"

"Yes perfectly ok" I laugh as she lets out a little chuckle. We order food and head back to her house. Once we arrive she gives me a tour of her house, it's really nice actually. She shows me the guest room I'll be staying in and put my luggage up there. Afterwards we went down to eat in her living room and watched tv for awhile. I realized it was late so I decided to go up to bed. "Goodnight Lizzie, thank you again for letting me stay here"

She gets up pulling me into a hug, "it's no problem at all! Goodnight, I'll see you in the morning"

"Night" I smile letting go of her and walk up to my room. I can't believe I'm gonna be living with Lizzie Olsen for a few months. This is the best day ever.

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