Part 78

901 34 6

I wake alone in bed with Lizzie nowhere in sight. I sit up yawning and reaching for my phone to see what time it was. When I click my phone on I see Lizzie texted me,

Hey my love! I had to go in for work today. I was going to wake you but you looked so peaceful so I just let you be. I love you and I'll see you later ❤️

My Love🥰:
Hey belle! I appreciate you not waking me but next time you can so I can give you a kiss 😘 I hope you have a good day at work, I'll see you later 💕

I click my phone off and get out of bed, stretching my arm above my head. So I walk downstairs where I find Rose sitting in the living room with Ivy and Scarlett in the kitchen making coffee. "Will you make me a cup?"

"Of course!" Scarlett turns her head smiling at me then goes to the cupboard to grab me a coffee mug. "How'd you sleep?"

"Like a log. That long flight really does a number on me" I chuckle leaning back on the counter. "Hey do you want to go to the mall with me today?"

"The mall? Sure. What for?" She queries pouring me and herself a cup of coffee.

"To buy a ring" I smile waiting for her reaction, but she doesn't seem to get what I mean at first.

"A ring? You don't wear rings. I don't think I've ever seen you wear one" She laughs handing me one of the two cups.

"Scar. I surprised Lizzie and now I'm buying a ring. For her"  I chuckle as she freezes looking at me wide eyed.

"Y/n. What kind of ring?" Scarlett slowly puts her cup down on the counter as I roll my eyes at her.

"An engagement ring" I chuckle as she gasps putting her hands over her mouth.

"Y/n! Really!?" She exclaims.

"Yes really"

"Y/n oh my god!!" She yells as I set my cup down next to hers. The second I put the cups down she jumps at me almost knocking me on to my butt. "I'm so happy for you! When are you going to ask her!?" She squeezes me tightly as I laugh.

"Within the next few days. Then we will look for houses as well" I explain as she lets go of me.

"She's going to flip! Let's go get ready!" She says almost running out of the kitchen.

I laugh grabbing her wrist stopping her, "Slow down there Scar, can I have like an hour? I've been up for 10 minutes"

She scoffs rolling her eyes, "Fine an hour, no later." She narrows her eyes at me.

"You're the boss" I chuckle letting go of her wrist and grabbing my coffee cup. "I'll be in the living room with Rose and Ivy" I say before walking into the living room and sitting down on the couch.

"Goodmorning auntie" Rose looks up and over at me with a smile.

"Goodmorning Rosie, do you like the little stuffed animal?" I query setting my coffee cup down on Scarletts coffee table.

"Yep! I slept with it last night too!" She giggles holding it up in her hands.

"I'm glad you like it my little Rose" I smile as she gets up setting the stuffed animal on the ground next to Ivy.

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