Part 5

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I wake up the next morning to a text on my phone. I go to reach for my phone when I feel a weight on my chest. I look down to see Lizzie peacefully sleeping on my chest. "What the.." I look under the covers to see her arms wrapped around my stomach and our legs tangled together. I smile down at her moving a piece of hair out of her face. Ugh I have to pee but I don't want to get up. But my bladders gonna explode. Damn it, "Lizzie?" I shake her softly as she groans tiredly. "Lizzie you're on my chest. I have to pee" I laugh as she rolls off of me facing the other way groaning tiredly again. I get up going into the bathroom to pee then I walk back out to see Lizzie now sitting up in my bed rubbing her eyes. "Sleep good on me Lizzie?" I laugh as she shyly rubs her forearm.

"Sorry" I chuckle at her cute shyness sitting on the bed.

"It's all good, I was surprised to see you asleep on me" I yawn brushing out my bed head with my fingers.

"I was so tired I just fell asleep and I guess latched onto you" She chuckles nervously as she swings her legs off the edge of the bed.

"It's ok don't stress about it but now I have to get ready for work." I walk over to my dresser grabbing some pants and turn around to see Lizzie still sitting on my bed. "Lizzie you gotta go so I can change. Unless you wanna see me naked" I joke winking at her as her face turns red.

"Right! I'll go!" She stumbles getting up from my bed and quickly leaves as I laugh. I quickly change and brush my teeth and hair. Then I run downstairs to the kitchen where Lizzie stands with a to go cup of coffee and an apple.

"Here, so you're not late I made you coffee and grabbed you an apple so you're not super hungry." She smiles walking up to me placing the cup in one of my hands and the apple in my other. 

"Thank you! That's so sweet of you. I gotta go I'll see you when I get home" I smile giving her a hug bye.

"No problem! See you later!" Lizzie kisses my cheek making my cheeks turn red. I start chuckling nervously as her eyes widen.

"I-I'll see you later bye!" I run out of the house to my car quickly getting in. I drive off to set, when I get there Im met by Scarlett. "Hey Scar, happy to see me?" I laugh as she pulls me into a hug.

"That and I wanted to ask how Lizzies doing? Did she dump that asshole?" She asks as we start walking to my trailer.

"She did, he called her yesterday and she told him it's over. She seemed ok this morning, she was so upset last night she ended up staying in my room" I sigh opening my trailer door and walking in.

"Oh? You slept in the same bed together?" She raises her eyebrows at me as I turn around to face her.


"Is that all you did?" She says nudging my arm.

"What? Of course! What are you insinuating?" I furrow my brows sitting down in my chair.

"Little bit of kissing, maybe more" She wiggles her eyes brows at me as I roll my eyes.

"None of that! And there will never be any of that. We are just friends!" I say getting up taking a drinking my coffee.

"Ok sure. I'll see you on set" She laughs leaving my trailer.

"Hey wait! What's that supposed to mean!?" I yell after her as I watch her walk away. I groan walking back into the trailer.


I pull up to Lizzies after a long day at work. I sit in the driveway as my stomach grumbles, "Should I go get food?" I look down at my hands debating whether to go or not. A knock on my car window makes me jump and look up to see Lizzie waving at me. I open the door making her move to the side a little, "Lizzie what are you doing out here? It's cold!"

She shakes her head as she holds her arms to her chest and shivers, "Why are you sitting out here by yourself? Are you ok?"

I sigh reaching in the back of the car grabbing my big Camo hoodie. Lizzie looks at me confused as I put it over her head, "First off you're cold put this on" She pulls the hoodie all the way down and puts her arms through the arm hole. "Second, I'm ok I promise. I was debating if I wanted to go get something to eat. I'm hungry" I chuckle nervously as she stands quietly in front of me. She walks away to the other side of the car and gets in the passenger seat. "What are you doing?"

"Let's go get you food, you said you're hungry. You need to eat" She smiles putting her seat belt on as I raise an eyebrow at her.

"Oh ok. Wait did you lock up the house at least?" I watch as her eyes widen and she quickly unbuckles her seat belt.

"I'll be right back!" She quickly run up to the front door making me laugh. I watch her run back to the car with her keys in her hand and arms wrapped around her. She gets in and shuts the door. "Ok now I'm ready!"

"Ok goofball" I back out of the driveway and start driving to McDonald's. I turn my Spotify back on and Lizzie turns it up a little. Love Story by Taylor Swift starts playing and I begin singing loudly. Before I know it Lizzie joins in and sings along with me. The song finishes as we pull up to the drive through and I start laughing. Once I order my food look over at Lizzie and smile.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" She smiles back biting her bottom lip.

"I didn't expect you to join in with me. I liked it" Lizzie scrunches her nose making my heart race. I look forward clearing my throat having to move up. Why was that so cute? What is happening to me?

"Are you ok over there? Your face is red" She reaches over putting her cold hand on my cheek sending chills down my spine. "Oh!You're burning up Y/n!"

"I-I think it's your cold ass hands" I snip back and laugh as she pulls her hand away from my cheek. I look over at her as she smirks, "What?" She reaches over with both her hands grabbing my face. "Ah! Why are you hands so cold! Let go of me!" She laughs as I playfully swat her hands away with my hand. "You're gonna make me bump into the car in front of us!" I laugh, she goes silent just staring at me smiling. "What?"

Her eyes widen and I notice her cheeks start turning red, "N-Nothing! Nothing at all" She lets go of my face and places her hands on her lap.

"Ok.." I drive up to the window grabbing my food, "Thank you have a nice night" with that I drive off back home to Lizzie's. After eating my food I go take a nice hot shower and lay in bed till I fall asleep.

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