Part 20

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"Lizzie!!" I yell from the top of the stairs down to Lizzie. I've been home for a few days now, and she's been going back on set. I did convince Lizzie to take me on set tomorrow to see if they'll let me work.

"Yes love?" I see her walk over to the bottom of the staircase with a smile on her face. She has today off so i want to have a little day just for us.

"Can we go for a walk?" I give her puppy dog eyes as she walks up the stars to me.

"You wanna go for a walk on your crutches?" She looks at me confused before giving me a quick peck on the lips.

"Yes as a matter of fact I do. I wanna walk down to the park and just spend time together." I stick my bottom lip out whining a little, "please belle?"

"If you really wanna walk then I'd love too!" She grabs my face softly giving me a gentle kiss. "Why don't I make us sandwiches and we can take a blanket-"

"And have a little picnic!" I finish her sentence excitedly making her chuckle.

"Exactly love, come on be careful coming down the stairs" She motions for me to go down the stairs.

"I will, you don't have to say it every time I come down the stairs belle" I chuckle making my way downstairs.

"I know but i just don't want you to fall or something do I say be careful!" She explains as I get to the bottom of the stairs.

I smile as she gets to the bottom of the stairs, "You're sweet you know? Thank you for your concern belle but you don't have to say it every time really"

"I'll say it every other time" She giggles scrunching her nose cutely.

"You're a goofball. Let's go make those sandwiches" I give her a quick kiss before making my way into the kitchen. I hear her chuckle following me to the kitchen. We spend the next few minutes making our sandwiches, then she grabs a blanket and waits for me at the door. "I can at least carry the blanket belle"

I hold my hand out offering to take the blanket. "No it's ok! You just worry about crunching your way to the park"

She giggles as I roll my eyes, "I don't want you to have to carry everything. If I could I'd give you a piggyback ride! But alas I can't, so let me hold the blanket"

She sighs taking the blanket and wrapping it around the back of my neck. She pulls my to her with the blanket kissing me softly. "I'll take you up on that piggyback ride when you're feeling better love"

"I look forward to it" I smile and give her a quick peck on the lips. We start going to the park and after a little bit of a walk we make it to the park.

"Let's go sit down there under that big tree" She grabs onto my arm pointing over to the tree.

"Perfect" I kiss her cheek as we make our way over. I rest the crutches on the tree then lay the blanket nicely out on the floor. I hop over to where I want to sit as Lizzie takes a seat on the blanket. I sit right next to her while she hands me my sandwich kissing my cheek. "Thank you belle"

"No problem love. It's really nice out today" She sighs leaning her head on my shoulder starting to unbag her sandwich.

"I'm glad we can do this" I smile at her watching as she takes a bite of her sandwich.

"I am too.." I give her a kiss on her head then take my sandwich out of the bag and start eating. She starts talking about being back at work and I can't help but smile. "What? Do I have jelly on my face?"

"No" I laugh a little, "You do have peanut butter right here" I grab her chin softly kissing her.

"I don't think you got all of it" She giggles against my lips before cupping my cheeks in her hands kissing me passionately. After a few moments she breaks the kiss resting her forehead on mine, "There we go"

"Brave of you to kiss me like that in public belle" I chuckle kissing her nose.

"Whys that?" She raises an eyebrow at me curiously.

"I don't know, we aren't officially together yet what if someone sees? I don't want to make anything hard on you if someone sees and puts us. Or well you" I sigh laying down resting my head on her lap.

"Well they're gonna know eventually. I would like to keep it on the down low for at least a month though. I just don't want Everyone in our business" She explains starting to brush my hair with her fingers.

"I understand that, and I definitely agree" I smile up at her.

"So that's why you're laying on my lap like this?" She laughs as I realize how this'll look.

"Good point" I laugh sitting up, "Let's head back then. I want some cuddles" I mimic her nose scrunch making her giggle.

"Ok love let's head back" She gives me a quick kiss then gets up. As I fold the blanket up she walks over throwing away the little baggies in the trash. Then she walks back over to me grabbing the blanket from me. "I'll take it this time"

"Fine" I roll my eyes making her laugh as we start walking back to Lizzie's. As we are walking I hear commotion, I look and see paparazzi in front of us. "Goddamn it"

"Don't engage love just ignore them" Lizzie scoots closer to me as we start walking past the paparazzi.

"Elizabeth! Y/n! What happened to your hand and leg??" The man asks but I keep my eyes straight forward. "Aw come on we all want to know what happened? Can't you tell us?" He asks again. He's gonna start pissing me off I can feel it. "Are you two a thing now? Or just best friends?" I'm about to blow up on him when Lizzie scoffs.

"We are trying to enjoy this beautiful day so can you leave us alone? This is none of your business. Come on Y/n" She grabs my arm pulling me softly telling me to try and walk faster. I pick up the pace some looking back to see the paparazzi sitting there in shock.

"I thought you said don't engage" I smirk as she takes a deep breathe.

"I could see you were getting annoyed so I said something before you started yelling" Lizzie sighs.

"Thank you belle" I smile bumping into her making her look up at me. She smiles softly back at me then looks back forward. Once we get to the house I notice she's really quiet. Lizzie sits on the couch quietly so I set my crutches down on the wall. I hop on the couch and tackle her into a cuddle making her laugh.

"What are you doing!?" She laughs as I start kissing her over and over.

"You're being too quiet so I'm attacking you with cuddles and kisses" I giggle, she moves from under me to the side of me wrapping her arms around around my torso.

"You're a goofball"

"That's one of the things you love about me belle" I wrap my arms and legs around her leaning down kissing her.

"Oh definitely love" She nuzzles her face into my neck. "One of the many things I love"

"I'm sure belle, movie time?" I query.

"Movie time!" She lays her head on my chest slipping her hand up my shirt resting her hand on my stomach. I feel my cheeks start to burn, what is this woman doing to me? I'm falling hard for her.

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