Part 6

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About another week passes and now I find Lizzie downstairs cooking breakfast In my camo hoodie from a few nights ago. "I see you've stolen my hoodie" I chuckle going to get me a cup of coffee.

"It's comfy so.. yes" She smiles biting her bottom lip as she looks back at me.

"Damn my favorite hoodie too" I roll my eyes as she giggles.

"Do you have the day off?" She looks at me as I walk up next to her stealing a piece of bacon. "Hey!"

I laugh taking a bite of the bacon, "I'm impatient, I love your cooking and I'm hungry" Lizzie rolls her eyes at me then takes the rest of the bacon out of the pan. "But to answer your question I do have the day off. Why?"

"Do you maybe wanna hangout? Go do something?" She asks handing me a plate with bacon and eggs on it.

"Sure sounds like fun. What do you have in mind?" I query as I walk into the dining room.

Lizzie walks in sitting across the table from me, "Have you seen the Hollywood sign?"

"No actually I haven't, I'm not in LA that much. I've never gotten a chance" I shrug taking a bite of eggs.

"Well let's go to the Hollywood sign then" She smiles resting her chin on her hand.

"Really? Ok!" I start eating faster making Lizzie laugh. We finish eating and go upstairs to get ready. Once we're done we get in her car singing to Run It by Chris Brown as we drive to the sign. "Wow there it is" I say as we pull up and park.

"Come on" She motions for me to follow her lead as she gets out of the car. I get out and look around as she walks over to me. "Well you said you wanted to see it so we are gonna go up the trail to the sign" I smile taking a step when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

I turn around to see my ex boyfriend Sam, "I knew I saw you Y/n! Hi"

"Oh uh hi Sam" I feel my body tense as Lizzie now stands next to me.

"Who are you?" Lizzie asks glaring at Sam.

"I'm Sam, Y/n's ex. What brings you to LA again?" He questions not taking his eyes off of me.

"Filming a new movie." I keep it short taking a deep breathe.

"Well if you ever want to go around LA or something I'm free" He takes a step towards me making my whole body tense up even more.

"That won't be necessary" Lizzie says taking a step forward.

"Who are you again?" Sam crosses his arms squinting his eyes at her.

Lizzie grabs my hand pulling me towards her, "I'm her girlfriend" She smiles smugly at him as his face drops, "Let's go see the sign now babe" She turns to me kissing my cheek making me blush.

"Yea let's go babe. Bye Sam" I wave as Lizzie pulls me away walking to the trail. "Girlfriend huh?" I smirk as Lizzies hand stays holding mine.

"You seemed uncomfortable so I was helping" She walks a little faster dragging me with her.

"I was, thank you" I smile over at her, I realize she has a sad look on her face as I speed up walking next to her again. "Are you ok?"

"Can I ask you something really personal?" Lizzie looks over at me, she seems kinda nervous.

"Yea of course. What's up?"

"Are you.. straight?" Her question takes me by surprise, why is she wondering that? I look as she waits for my answer.

"No, I'm Bi. I've dated a few guys and a few girls." I shrug noticing our hands still interlocked. Then I notice a big smile on her face, "What's that smile for weirdo?"

"Nothing nothing!" She lets go of my hand, "I like learning new things about you" She smiles turning to face me now walking backwards in front of me clasping her hands behind her back.

"You do?" I raise an eyebrow at her as I notice her cheeks turn red.

"U-Um we are almost there! Come on slow poke" She winks turning around quickening her pace. I smile walking faster to catch up to her.

After a little bit more of a walk we make it up to the sign, "Wow" I look at the large letters in front of me.

Lizzie then takes my hand bringing my attention back to her. She leads me to the front of the sign, "Look" She motions to the city of LA letting go of my hand, you can see so much from up here. "It's a lot prettier at night. But we can do that another time"

"Another time huh? I'd like that" I smile scooting closer to her as she gives me a funny look. We look out together when I feel her pinkie touch mine. Does she want to hold my hand again? I tap my pinkie against hers and she wraps her pinkie around mine.

I go to grab hand when a voice from behind us startles me, "Lizzie? I knew I saw your car" I turn to see a familiar looking man with short dark hair and a scruffy beard.

"Robbie!? What the hell are you doing here!?" That's her ex fiancé!? What is this place ex central or something.

"I saw your car, we need to talk" He reaches for Lizzies hand but she slaps it away.

"I told you I don't want to talk to you! Why are you in LA anyway?" She crosses her arms as I stand awkwardly next to her. I'm getting uncomfortable already.

"I came to talk to you! This is all a big misunderstanding! I would never cheat on you baby!" He steps forward and grabs the sides of her shoulders. Should I do something? I don't know if I should get in the middle of this.

"A misunderstanding!? You were about to kiss that girl in the photos! Your late night 'rehearsals'" She pushes his hands off of her. I look at her to see her eyes tearing up. I have to do something, I don't want her to cry.

"Hey if I may step in.. we have to really get going back to set! If we're late Feiges gonna flip!" I take a step forward hoping he buys it.

"You're right! I didn't realize how much time had passed. We gotta go, please just leave me alone" She grabs my hand and drags me away, I look back to see Robbie watching us. I'm pretty sure he's glaring at me. Weird. We get to the car and get in, Lizzie sits there putting her head on her steering wheel.

"Lizzie? Are you ok?" I reach over rubbing her back. She looks over at me with tears falling down her face. "Oh Lizzie.. come here" She leans over as I wrap my arms around her kissing the top of her head and rub her back. She starts sobbing into my chest which is breaking my heart, "Let's get home ok?"

She quickly sits up shaking her head, "No no, I wanted to keep having fun out of the house with you!"

I chuckle softly taking my thumb softly wiping her tears from her cheeks. "I'm perfectly fine going home and watching movies or something"

"Are you sure?" She looks at me sadly as she sniffles.

"I'm sure dork" I bring her head closer to me and kiss her forehead. "We can get ice cream on the way too" I smile as she lets out a stifled chuckle.

"I'd like that" She smiles as I watch her gaze move from my eyes to my lips. Then she quickly turns away taking a deep breathe. "Let's get going then" I nod in agreement as she starts the car and we drive off.

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