Part 96

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I sit in our living room with Scarlett, Rose and Tom visiting while we wait for Lizzie to be done with her meeting to go out to eat with everyone. Scarlett and Tom ask about how the honeymoon was while Rose sat on the floor playing with souvenir we had gotten her. After waiting a little while the front door opens and in come Lizzie with Paul close behind her. "I'm home!" She exclaims walking into the living room.

"Auntie Lizzie!" Rose pops up to her feet startling Ivy and runs over to Lizzie.

"Hey my little rose" She smiles picking Rose up and giving her a big hug.

I move Ivy over laying her on the couch then get up and walk over to Lizzie. "Hey my love" I smile and give her a kiss on the cheek before turning to Paul. "Hey Bettany, nice to see you"

"Nice to see you too Y/n." He smiles giving me a hug as Tom and Scarlett now join us.

"I invited him out to dinner with us since we haven't seen him in awhile too" Lizzie smiles setting Rose back down on the ground, to which she runs back over to the couch to pet Ivy.

"That's fine, the more the merrier" I smile and give her a kiss on the lips. "What was your meeting about? I'm guessing you didn't get fired as you're not upset." I chuckle leading her to the couch to sit down with the other following after.

"No. But I'm not the only one who thought I was getting fired! Paul also thought he was getting fired." She points to him as he sits down in one of our chairs then just shrugs. "You were right though honey, it was for a new project."

"See I told you, you weren't going to be fired darling" I smile kissing her hand lightly, "So what's the new project?"

"It's centered around our characters Wanda and Vision. It's the first Marvel show that'll be on Disney+!" She smiles squeezing my hands tightly.

"Really? That's great! I'm sure it'll be good. Any idea when it starts or anything?" I query looking at her and Paul for answers from either of them.

"We still don't start for a few months. They still need to hold auditions for certain parts and get some other things sorted. So we aren't fully sure when it will start exactly." Paul explains leaning back in the chair.

"And we will be filming in Atlanta so we'll have to move down there for a few months." Lizzie adds leaning her head on my shoulder and grabbing my hand.

"Alright. Well I am excited to know what it is. You know I love anything to do with your character Belle." I smile down at her as she looks back up at me. She sits up kissing me softly and wrapping her arms around me tightly.

"I hate to ruin this lovely moment but I'm starving!" Tom whines making us laugh.

"Ok we'll go eat. I'm pretty hungry too" I chuckle standing up, bringing Lizzie with me. We then all pile into our cars and drive off to go eat at a restaurant. When we get there we are able to get a table closer to the back of the building hoping no one will recognize us and come up to us while we eat.

The whole dinner was lovely, I couldn't help be smile watching everyone talking and having a good time. Scarlett and Lizzie were talking about the honeymoon while Rose colored in her kids menu with the crayons she was given. Tom and Paul talked and joked about filming and other things while we ate. I didn't realize how long I'd not spoken until Lizzie grabs my arm getting my attention and asks, "Hey are you ok my love? You seem distracted"

"I'm fine Belle, just enjoying the night. I'm glad everyone's having a good time" I lean over kissing her gently and smile.

"I love you"

"I love you too" I kiss her again before going back to eating and having conversations with everyone. After everyone's done eating we head back to the house for a little while before everyone goes home. So me and Lizzie get ready for bed, taking Ivy up to our room with us. As she gets into bed, I lay Ivy down on her little bed then join Lizzie in ours. "So.. about those kids"

"Didn't you say at a later date we'd have this conversation?" She lays on her side giggling and wraps her arms around my waist.

"Technically it is later. It's been a week" I shrug smiling as she chuckles and rolls her eyes at me.

"I'm about to start filming silly, I can't be pregnant anytime soon" She chuckles tucking my hair behind my ear softly.

"I don't have any projects lined up. I could be the one to be pregnant first." I suggest pulling her closer to me. She's silent for a moment just scanning my face while I smile over at her innocently.

"Fair. But my love what if we have to film at the same time? Then we'd have to be away from each other either while you're pregnant or when the baby is only a few months old." She explains brushing her hand through my hair slowly.

"Fine you've got a point. We'll wait still" I scoot closer to her, kissing her lovingly. I smirk pulling back a little, "We could practice."

She laughs putting her hands on my shoulders, "Oh honey what we do definitely doesn't get either one of us pregnant." She scrunches her nose cutely before kissing me again.

"Hey. Doesn't mean we can't do it" I shrug as she laughs. She shifts closest to me, nuzzling her face in my neck.

"How about we decide about having kids after I'm done filming my new project? That gives us some months to get things sorted out and see if we'll have any other projects" She suggests wrapping her arms and legs around me holding me closer.

"I can deal with that." I kiss the top of her head and wrap my arms securely around her. "I just am excited to start a family with you"

"I'm excited to start a family with you too my love. Which is why I'd rather do this right then rush into it." She smiles moving her hands and grabbing hold of my cheeks.

"You're right. We'll wait. Now about that practice" I chuckles as she giggles rolling her eyes again.

"Come here you big goofball" She wraps her arms around me kissing me passionately. I love this woman so much

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