Part 2

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I stand in Lizzies kitchen looking around biting my fingernail on my thumb. I want to cook breakfast as a thank you but I've come to realize I have no idea where anything is. Nor do I want to rummage through her kitchen. Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder making me jump. I turn to see Lizzie trying not to laugh, "Jeez you scared me. I didn't know you were awake"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." She chuckles walking to her fridge. "So why are you standing in my kitchen silently?" She turns around smirking with a water bottle in her hand. "It looks like you're contemplating something."

"Well.. I wanted to make you breakfast as a thank you for letting me stay." I rub my forearm awkwardly. "Then I realized I don't know where anything is and didn't want to rummage through your things"

"That's sweet of you Y/n but you don't have to do that." She walks over to me grabbing my hand, "Why don't we cook together?"

"Really? Sure!" She pulls me over to the stove grabbing a pan and handing it to me. Lizzie playfully bumps me as she walks over to the fridge.

"Eggs and bacon?" She checks pulling out eggs from the fridge.

"Sounds good to me" I smile over at her as she shuts the fridge door. We begin cooking our breakfast, I watch as she seems so happy while cooking. It's cute how her eyes light up when she's cooking. Then.. I catch myself staring at her. I quickly turn away feeling my cheeks start to burn. We finish up and start eating at her dining room table.

"Are you ok over there?" Lizzie looks up from her plate smiling at me.

"Huh? Oh yea just lost in thought." I take a breathe and clear my throat before starting again. "Can you drop me off at the rental car place after we eat? I needed to yesterday but I didn't get a chance" I chuckle awkwardly as I poke at my eggs.

"Of course I will. I'm not needed on set today so Ill be here all day"

"Thank you. I'd hangout with you here if I didn't have work" I smile taking a bite of my eggs. I look up to see Lizzie staring at me like she wants to ask me something. "What's up? You look like you want to ask me something. Go on ask away" I take a bite of bacon as she takes a deep breathe.

"Tell me about yourself" She props her chin on the palm of her hand.

"You wanna know about me?" I raise my eyebrow curiously.

"Well yea! You're living here now, we gotta get to know each other" She laughs kicking my foot under the table.

"Ok ok no need to kick me!" I roll my eyes as we laugh together. "Well I'm 23, me and Tom have been best friends since we were kids."

"Really? It's been awhile then huh?"

"Yea I guess it has been awhile Huh? Um.. I love singing along to music in the car, my favorite color is blue." She chuckles making me furrow my brows at her, "what?"

"Nothing nothing. My favorite colors blue too." She raises her eyebrows at me taking a bite of her eggs. "Tell me about your family"

"Oh well... my mom and older sister live in Arizona. We used to live in England where I met Tom and we became friends. I lived there till I was about 13 then when.." Am I really gonna tell her.. i take a deep breathe and continue. "When my dad died we moved to Arizona. My mom wanted us to live in America.. she wanted to with my dad but they never got a chance.." I feel myself start getting choked up so I look down at my plate. I take a deep breathe playing with my eggs. Suddenly my vision darkens as Lizzie brings my head into her stomach hugging me. "Lizzie?"

"I'm so sorry Y/n maybe I shouldn't have asked... I'm sorry.." She tightens her grip around me.

"Lizzie I can't breathe when you're hugging me like this" I laugh as she lets go of me.

"I'm so sorry!" She backs away from me awkwardly covering her mouth with her hands. I stand up grabbing her by the shoulders.

"Hey it's ok you dork! I'm not upset that you asked it's fine. I just don't like talking about it that much." She scrunches up her face still upset. "Hey I wanted to tell you, I don't know why but I did." She makes eye contact with me staring into what seems like my soul. I clear my throat and back up letting go of her shoulders, "We should get ready and head out"

"Oh yea right" She shakes her head clearing her throat. "Let's get ready I'll start cleaning"

"No uh I can do it" I try to clean but Lizzie laughs pushing me away.

"No no I got it, you go get ready you can't be late" She pushes me to the stairs laughing.

"Ok ok you win stop pushing!" I feel her hands remove from my back, I turn around crossing my arms. "Next time I'm gonna clean I hope you know that"

"Next time?" She questions tilting her head.

"Well I mean unless you don't wanna eat breakfast with me again." I shrug turning away and starting upstairs.

"Ok deal, next time you can clean" I turn around meeting her gaze and smile. "Now hurry and get ready. I'll have to throw something else on"

"Yes ma'am" I wink at her as she rolls her eyes. I quickly change, brush my teeth and hair then run downstairs to wait for Lizzie. A few minutes later Lizzie quickly walks down the stairs.

"Did you wait too long?" She walks over grabbing her bag and keys.

"Nope not at all. Ready to go?" I query walking to her.

"Yep let's head out" Lizzie smiles opening the front door for me.

"Why thank you" I laugh as she rolls her eyes pushing me out the door. I hear a little chuckle come from her as she closes the door. I made her laugh, such a cute little laugh too.

"Hey stop staring and get to the car!" Lizzie laughs waving here hand on my face.

"I uh. I wasn't staring!" I huff walking to the car as my cheeks burn in embarrassment. I can't believe she caught me staring. I can't believe I was staring at her. We drive off to the rental car place and I start singing along to the song on the radio and Lizzie joins in. Once we arrive she drops me off and I leave to set.

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