Hungry Dogs

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What happens after the car accident, with a few memories!

Also, it's very late, so apologies for any grammatical errors/etc. I'm exhausted lol and was having a hard time finishing this chapter.


The song Jasper is singing is called, "Down to the River to Pray" and it is a GREAT gospel song! You'll probably know it if you watched O' Brother, Where Art Thou? I heard it for the first time in church a billion years ago, but it's a song that will hold a lot of significance in this fic!

CW: mentions of sex, blood, violence.
A dog is involved again, but just like last time, he is not hurt!

- Smurph❤

Anne's Place, Cedar Key, Florida- 17 years ago

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Anne's Place, Cedar Key, Florida- 17 years ago

"Happy six months, baby," Jack grinned, sitting in the booth across from her. He seemed genuinely happy for the first time since she'd met him. A smile looked good on him, despite the healing bruises under his eyes from their training sessions.

"Thanks, old man," she smiled back at him, heat blossoming across her cheeks in the soft night light of some dive off the coast.

"You know, not a lot of people make it this far in the training," Jack's smile dropped, gone as quickly as it had come, "They're usually either dead by this point or they give up and... get dead. But not you, kid, you've done better than any recruit I've seen come to the island."

They were somewhere off the coast of Florida, in some small town that lacked security cameras and police presence so they could fly under the radar.

The diner was mostly empty, only a few truckers and nomads scattered throughout the booths. She and Jack sat at a booth in the back, one with a view of all the entrances and exits, red and blue neon draped over their shoulders as headlights flashed through the windows.

Eli stood at the counter, paying for their meal and flirting with the cashier. With his tight jeans and t-shirt he cut quite the figure, one any woman would find attractive. A pair of thick glasses sat on his nose as he brushed back his reddish brown curls with one hand, the other propping up his bearded chin as he charmed her.

She was glad he was away from the table. This was the first time she'd been out of Church since Eli had taken her there. Six months of dark rooms and training had left her itching for the outside world. Each day since she left Louisiana had been plagued by eighteen hour days, bloody and painful training filling each moment. She was grateful to be out of that place, even if she was stuck with Eli and his wandering hands.

"Are you ready for your first assignment?" Jack asked, fiddling with the plastic basket that held his leftovers. He picked at the fraying paper lining, a concerned look etched into his features.

"Yeah," she shrugged. "It's not a big deal."

"You have to put a bullet in someone's head. You've got no issue with that?"

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