Await Further Instructions

128 1 21

Word Count: 4486

Warnings: Warnings: allusions to alcoholism, shower sex, Jasper being very cute and perky now that she's sober, angst

Summary: Jasper goes to her first AA meeting! When she comes back, she learns something about Spencer she never thought him capable of...

Next chapter!!! Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!

Jasper lingered outside the VA meeting room, peeking around the door frame to see if anyone she knew was inside

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Jasper lingered outside the VA meeting room, peeking around the door frame to see if anyone she knew was inside. She couldn't see much, and people were still filtering in and around the snacks table.

It was the early bird meeting, 4:30am every day, which was good because Jasper had spent all night staring at the ceiling while Spencer snored next to her.

She thought about waking him up and taking advantage of him, but decided against it. She knew he needed the sleep after staying up for two nights taking care of her, so finally she snuck out of bed at 3:30 and left Booger with him to keep him safe.

Jasper had put on her leggings, sneakers and a sports bra, wrote a note for Spencer and sent him a text, so he wouldn't panic when he woke up to find her gone. Even in the November chill, Jasper ran in just her sports bra and open jacket, letting the cold air wash over her and cleanse the foggy thoughts in her mind.

She found herself heading straight for that same VA Jack had taken her to fifteen years before, standing outside and chain smoking for about twenty minutes before she finally had the nerve to step inside.

A hand on her shoulder made her jump, and she came face to face with Father Frank Murphy, dressed casually in jeans and a t-shirt and smiling down at her.

"Hey," Jasper said, awkwardly crossing her arms and attempting nonchalance.

"Hey," Frank smirked, crossing his arms as well and leaning against the wall to grin at her.

Jasper dropped her arms, then crossed them again, squeezing her biceps tightly. He watched her expectantly, always an asshole, never letting go of his upper hand.

"I'm here for the meeting," she finally said, and Frank nodded.

"How's the boyfriend? He good?"

Jasper nodded, hardly holding back her smile, "He's at home in bed. I stuck a post-it on his forehead."

Frank laughed, "I'm sure he'll be happy about that when he wakes up."

Jasper's face fell, and she bit her bottom lip as she glanced back in the room. There were only about ten people sitting around the circle, waiting for Frank to start the meeting.

"You don't have to talk if you don't want to," Frank said quietly, reading her mind. Jasper smiled up at him gratefully, and Frank laced a hand around her shoulders and started to lead her inside.

Over Your Shoulder | Spencer Reid NSFWWhere stories live. Discover now