A Flicker of Hope

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What happened to Jasper after Spencer left her apartment?

We find out!!

Jasper's Apartment- Present Day

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Jasper's Apartment- Present Day

Jasper sat there for a long time.

Staring at the empty space that once occupied Spencer Reid, Jasper sat and thought. She thought about her life, about where it had taken her, where she was, and where she might go.

Disappearing into the ether crossed her mind. It would be so easy. She could open up that floorboard in the closet, take out her passports and the twenty five grand she kept in there for emergencies, pick up her purse and drive off into the unknown, never to be seen or heard of again.

Where would she go? If she left the Agency now, what would be her purpose?

Maybe she'd make her way to the East Coast, pick a secluded cabin in the woods and settle into a life of hermitude, and nobody would ever know who she was. She would be a local cryptid, a campfire story little girls told at Girl Scout outings about the witch in the woods who chased away intruding locals and ate children for breakfast.

Her wild hair would grow more deranged, sticking up in all sorts of places as birds nested at the crown of her head. She could feed deer and squirrels, take up her bow and hunt game and set snares like she used to as a child.

Her father had taught her how to hunt, and he'd taught her well. Her mother taught her how to skin and prepare game for dinner, showing her the ways of tanning hide to use for later.

She could do that. She would be good at it.

No, it wasn't an option. She still had a mission to finish, still had more lying and deceiving to do at the behest of her employers. She still had parts of her past to lock away before she could do anything like that.

Jasper had woken up with a sense of the future, and now it felt like it was closing once more. She didn't want it to, and she found herself clawing through her mind in search of any avenue of hope she could find.

Finish the mission, and if she survived, then she could run away.

Run little girl, she thought to herself bitterly, run from the big bad wolf. Was she the girl? Or the wolf? Was she the child running from the monsters or had she become one without realizing?

When had the innocence and ferality of girlhood turned into the brutal reality of murder and mayhem? At what point had she stripped herself of her skin and become nothing but the white hot pain of exposed nerves?

You're the one Luke called me about.

The words had escaped her before she could stop them. It was stupid, letting them slip out. Jasper had let her guard down with Spencer, trying her best to take down some of the walls that separated them from one another. Instead, she seemed to have driven him away once again.

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