Chapter 11

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The lights were out at about 9:30 that night. I didn't know why but sleep was an impossible feat. It wasn't the noisy ceiling fan or the strange creaking noises that came from the walls, it was most likely the effort I was subconsciously putting into racking my brain to remember the faces, walls, photos, and items found in this country labeled as my home. That old man was my dad? Linda and I attended a high school in my previous life? Jared was my top rival at some point? My head was running through the memories it could recover faster than light and yet, it only caused a headache in my temple.

I threw my feet off the side of the bed and stood up. The glowing clock mounted on the wall read 11:48 but my heart told me that five days have passed. I walked out of the small bedroom and saw light coming from Linda's room. I told myself that she was probably taking care of something important and stepped into the bathroom, letting the door close itself. I looked myself over in the large mirror.

Was I destined to be a lost man, constantly staying up late at night, trying to recover the memories his past self guaranteed were permanently gone? I turned on the sink and splashed my face with cold water.

Memory check: My name is Dev Lunesu. I am 18 years old and I am Japanese-American. No. I'm Japanese. I chose my citizenship already, technically. I met Linda at a hotel in Okinawa, Japan and attended school with her for a week before she told me that she knew who I was before I got amnesia. Now I'm in America trying to recover lost memories that meant almost nothing to my future.

"Why am I even here?" I asked myself.

A door opened and someone gently knocked on the bathroom door. I opened it to see Linda.

"Are you okay?" Linda asked quietly.

"I can't sleep. I'm wondering if coming here was really worth it."

Linda stepped in and held my hand. "Just meet everyone you knew before you decide if it was, okay?"

I sighed. "I'll go see everyone. I just wonder if regaining any of these memories will help me at all."

She gave me a soft kiss on the cheek. "How about you get some rest for tomorrow. You'll have a lot of people to see."

I nodded and started heading to my room when I realized that Linda hadn't let go. "What's wrong?"

"C-can I sleep with you tonight?"

I felt my cheeks burn hot and my body tightened up. "Uh... s-sure..."

She pulled herself against my arm and we walked into my bedroom. I let her get on the bed first before I joined her. She faced me and pulled herself up against me. I felt myself get nervous but my body started to relax.

"I know this is awkward for you," Linda whispered, "but I just need you by me tonight, okay?"


I closed my eyes and my muscles lost all tension. Before I knew it, I was asleep.


The mall was loud and filled with people of all ages shopping in all the shops. Linda had asked Jared to drive us into the mall so we could buy a camera for me. We were in a small electronic shop when a blonde girl rushed up to me and hugged me.

"Dev! I've missed you for so long! Why haven't you been responding to my messages!?" She was practically crying all of this and more into my chest. I turned to Linda for help.

Linda grabbed the girl. "Lola, we need to talk. Dev, you go ahead and look around, okay?"

Linda dragged the girl outside the shop and started talking to her. I turned away and started looking at the disposable cameras. Moments later, Linda walked back into the shop, alone.

My Life with AmnesiaWhere stories live. Discover now