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*2 Weeks later*

I woke up by myself in the bed. I got up and went downstairs to look for Harry, but he was no where to be found. In the kitchen there was a plate of food and a note right next to it.

Good morning beautiful, I had to go to work early today. I made you some breakfast. I won't take long. I will be home before noon. I will see you later baby.


Aww that's cute, and very unusually of Harry to do. I ate my breakfast, but dayyMmm Harry can cook. I finished my food and went upstairs. I took a shower and got changed. And I put my hair in a messy bun and went downstairs.

I went downstairs and decided to watch a movie since there was nothing else to do

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I went downstairs and decided to watch a movie since there was nothing else to do. I decided to watch RuPaul drag race. Best show on Netflix low-key.

Harry P.O.V
I woke up to my phone ringing. " fuck" I rolled over not wanting to wake Rose up. " hello" I whispered
" hi mate, you need to get her now." Louis said " what happened" I asked. " it's urgent get here as soon as you can" Louis said. "Alright bye." I hanged up the phone.

I looked at Rose who is still sleeping on my arm. God she is so fucking beautiful. I gave her a kiss on her forehead and got out of bed slowly so I don't wake her up.
I put on a pants and a shirt, grabbed my phone and went down stairs. I made rose some breakfast and wrote her a note and left.

I got there and went to my office. Louis was already waiting for me. " took you long enough" Louis said annoyed. " I had shit to do" I said setting down. " so what's so urgent?" I asked.
" he's back" Louis said. " who is" " Scott" Louis said. "What do you mean he's back" I screamed clenching my jaw. " I don't know mate he left a note with blood on the window, but I got someone to clean it up before you came" Louis said. " fuck this can't be happening, I should've killed home when I had the chance." I said looking at Louis. " well that too late mate now we have to think of something and be prepared for anything, we don't know what he can be thinking"Louis said. "alright do the rest of the boys know about this" I asked. "only Liam we came together this morning" Louis sad. " well, we have to let the rest know"  " alright I will let everyone know" "alright."

Rose P.O.V

I'm so bored it's almost 6 pm and Harry is still not home. I get and walk to the kitchen. " let's make something to eat." I decided to make pasta since it's the easiest thing to make and I'm too lazy. I made pasta and sat done to eat. "That so good" I finished eating, did the dishes and went back into the living room. I sat down and kept watching drag race.

Then I heard the front door opened and closed. Yay Harry is finally home. I got up and ran and jump on him I put my hands around his neck and my legs around his waist. He rested his hands in my butt. " Hi baby" Harry said into my neck. "Hi, you took long" I said breaking the husband looking at home. " I know I'm sorry I had something important" he said walking into the living room. He sat down on the couch with me now straddling him. "Are you hungry" I asked " very" he said. " I made pasta" I said getting off his lap, but Harry held tight to my waist. " I was thinking of something else" he said smirking. "I don't think so" I said " why notttttt" Harry said pouting like a little kid when he wants to eat ice cream before dinner. " you look tired, eat and let's go to bed" I said getting off his lap. " alright" he said following me to the kitchen. Harry ate and then we went to bed. 

I laid down and Harry laid behind me and put his tatted arm around me. I love when he holds me. " you know, holding you is my favourite thing in this world. I love having you close to me." Harry whispered into my ear making me get butterflies. I turned around, now facing Harry. " you make me feel safe." I gave him a kiss and buried my face into his neck. God he smells like heaven. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Hi guys!!! Sorry took me long to update. I will be finishing this fanfic hopefully in the next two weeks.  Hope you enjoyed this part.
Xoxo ❤️❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2021 ⏰

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