Chapter 6

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Harry P. O. V

After rose left me and Louis sat down to talk about Scott. " Harry we have to be careful Scott want you dead so he can take over the country" Louis told me. Scott is the leader of the second gang in this country and he is trying to take my spot but he's not having it. " he will do anything to take your spot" " I know that's why we have to end him before he even try anything."    

Rose P. O. V

Me and the girls were having so much fun shopping.
We were talking and laughing. " omg" Eleanor said "what's wrong" Perrie asked " Scott's men are here" " should we call the boys" Sophia Asked " yeah, but we need to get out of here first" " let's go hide in the bathroom" said Perrie " yeah let's go." We all got up and ran into the bathroom. " hello Louis Scott's men are here, what should we do" " okay bye" " he told me to wait in the bathroom they are on their way" " okay" I was so confused who is Scott. " guys who is Scott?" I asked looking at Eleanor  confused " he is from the second gang and now he's trying to take Harry's spot" " oh" now I understood. We waited for about 30 minutes and then I man dressed in all black walked into the bathroom. " oh here you are, I finally found you" he said with a evil laugh " get away from us" Eleanor said trying to act brave. " oh come on don't act like that I'm not her for you anyways I'm her for you" he said pointing at me " your Harry's girl and that's what scoot wants, you are Harry's weakness " he grabbed my arm and started pulling me towards him " no stop let go of me" I tried fighting but I couldn't because he was really tall and strong, the girls were also trying to get him to let go of my arm but they couldn't. He spend me around and put a cloth on my mouth after, this everything turned black .

Harry P. O. V

Eleanor just called and told us that Scott's men were after them we have to get there as fast as possible, I don't want him to hurt my girl she was the only thing I was worried about. We finally arrived to the mall, we got out of the car and ran to the woman's bathroom. The girls were sitting on the floor crying, Rose wasn't with them (oh no). When Eleanor saw us she ran up to Louis and hugged him. " where is rose" I asked them getting angry " Scott's men took her we tried to stop them but we couldn't" Sophia said crying " shit we have to go find her". My phone rang " hello" " hello styles " it was Scott " Scott where is my girl" I asked angrily " oh don't worry she's here with me" " don't you dare touch her or hurt her in anyway" I warned him "if you can come here fast enough you can save here life, you have 25 minutes to be here and if you don't get here on time I will shoot her, goodbye styles" I couldn't believe my ears if he hurt her I swear with my life to end his whole family I can't stand the idea of losing her I would rather die to keep her alive "Eleanor you and the girls go back home" " okay." Me and Louis ran to my car and we drove to Scott.

Rose P. O. V

I woke up to be tied to a chair in a dark room then a man entered the room. " your finally awake" " who are you" I asked scared " I'm Scott sweetie " he said with a little laugh " don't worry your boyfriend is on his way to save, he will save you but he might lose his life" " don't you dare hurt him" he laughed at what I said " if I do what are you going to do" I didn't say anything cause i didn't know what to say " that's what I thought, you know I gave your boyfriend 25 minutes to be here if he doesn't show up in 2 minutes your dead" he said pulling out his gun. All of the sudden the door swings open and Harry walked in " hello styles your just on time" " I'm always on time" he said looking at me " you came to save her and lose your life styles what a dumbass" he laughed " got to keep my girl save you know" omg he just called me his girl. Harry ran towards Scott and punched him in the jaw Scott fell to the back, the boys walked into the room and started betting up scoot while Niall United my arms from the chair. They stoped punching him " Louis take her out of her" Louis node took my arm and we walked outside Louis shut the door behind us and we walked a little bit away from the door then stopped, BANG I heard a gunshot, then all the boys walked out of the room, omg did Harry just shoot Scott. Harry ran up to me and hugged me tightly, then we walked to the car and drove home.

( at home)

When we first entered the house Harry hugged me tightly " I'm so glad your okay kitten" " thanks to you" I said hugging him back " it's my job to keep you save kitten" he kissed my forehead " let's go take a bath". We went upstairs, harry filled the tube with warm water and shampoo and there was lot of bubbles, he took off his clothes and got into the bath tube " kitten are you coming" he said looking at me " it's okay I will take a shower after you are done" " come on kitten just get in with me" " okay fine" I said getting undressed " close your eyes" I told him " okay" he closed his eyes I took of my panties and bra and sat in the bathtub between Harry's legs, he wrapped his arms around me " your beautiful kitten I love you" he said kissing my nick, Harry was very nice with me and I feel like I'm staring to have feelings for him " I love you too" " do you mean it" he asked looking into my eye "of course, I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it"

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