Chapter 8

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The car ride to the restaurant was quite I was just looking out of the window and Harry was holding my hand the whole ride, it made me feel safe. After about 40 minutes we finally arrived to the restaurant I was starving, we walked into the restaurant and sat on our table. " so what do you feel like eating kitten" Harry said looking at the menu " I don't know, maybe pasta" "sure let's have that, what about drinks" " I will take ice tea." " Hey my name is Aaron and I'm going to be your waitress for the night" he said smiling at me so I smiled back " we will take Italian red sauce pasta, red wine and  ice tea" " alright is that it" " yeah " okay the food would be here in couple minutes"  he took are orders and left. " I want to take you somewhere after dinner" " where?" " I'm gonna take you to my favourite place" " okay." Aaron came back with are dinner " here's your food and drinks enjoy" " thank you" I said " no problem" he smiled and left. After we finished eating dinner we paid for it and left, Arron gave me his phone number without Letting Harry notice, but I think he did, we went to the car to drive to Harry's favorite place " what is in that paper he gave you" I couldn't really lie because he saw Aaron giving me the paper " I don't know" " give it to me" Harry said opening his hand for me to put the paper in his hand so I just gave it to him, he opened the paper and his face expression changed from normal to angry "what's wrong?" " that Asshole gave you his phone number, he got to learn not to play around with me or my girl" Harry said starting to get out of the car " Harry Waite please just leave it I don't really care I was going to throw out the paper anyway please let's just go baby" " he needs to learn a lesson" " baby please" I said with puppy eyes " okay fine" he said and sat back in the car ready to drive " I love you so much" I said holding his hand " I love you too kitten" he said kissing my hand. He stared driving, we drove about 40 to 50 minutes till we arrived to the place Harry got out of the car and opened the door for me and helped me out of the car, we walked hand in hand. The place he showed me was really beautiful. " it's really pretty" I said looking around the place " yeah but you are much more prettier" he said hugging me I blushed.

( the place)

" I always come here when I feel sad or I just want to have some me time" he said smiling at the sky " it's really nice and quiet" " yeah I used to come here with my older sister when we were young" " where is she?" I asked looking at him " will m...

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" I always come here when I feel sad or I just want to have some me time" he said smiling at the sky " it's really nice and quiet" " yeah I used to come here with my older sister when we were young" " where is she?" I asked looking at him " will my partners didn't like that I was working in a gang and wanted me to stop but I didn't want to so they told me If I don't leave the gang then I can't live with them anymore and it make sense because my Eminem's will hurt them" " do you talk to them?" I asked looking at him " the last time I talked to them was when I was 16" " it's been a long time" " yeah i know" " then you should talk to them you know they are your family they still love you and will always love you no matter what and I'm sure they missed you too Harry" " I don't t know" " oh come on baby I want to meet them too" " you do"  " yes please" " ok I will think about it, now we should go back home it's too late" " okay" we got in the car and drove home again the ride was quite. We got home changed to our pyjamas and went to sleep.

( my and Harry's pjs)

( my and Harry's pjs)

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 " goodnight kitten" Harry said wrapping his arms around  me " goodnight I love you" " I love you too kitten" I turned to face him, I kissed him on the lips and then closed my eyes and went to sleep

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" goodnight kitten" Harry said wrapping his arms around  me " goodnight I love you" " I love you too kitten" I turned to face him, I kissed him on the lips and then closed my eyes and went to sleep.


Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter it was a little short but I will do better next chapter love y'all ❤️💕💕❤️.


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