Chapter 1

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"Rose honey are you almost ready we have to Leave" my mom yelled from down stairs.
" yeah I'm coming" I yelled back. Today was the day we are going to be moving to are new house in a new town that is going to be full of strangers that I would have to meet and get to know. I really don't want to leave because I'm going to miss my best friend gabby, we have been friends since grade One and now I have to leave and I might not see her in years. We have to leave for my dads new job so I can't do anything about it. I ran down stairs and got in the car ready to move in with life. The car ride was silent and really boring that I feel asleep the rest of the ride.

I was awakened up by mom. " honey we're here" my mom said smiling. I got out of the car and went inside the house. " Rose come let me show you your room sweetie" said my dad taking my small hands in his large once. We walked to my room it was really big, empty and boring " it's really boring" I said walking around " yeah so it's your job to decorate it, do whatever you want with it it's all yours" he said smiling " can I paint it" I asked "yeah sure what colour do you want I can buy it for you" " pink" i said exited " okay bye" he left to go get the paint and I started unpacking my clothes. After about two hours and a half I was finally finished decorating my room and it looked amazing I loved it. It looked like a dream I'm so proud of my self.

 " hey rose are you don wow your room looks amazing sweetie" my mom said " thanks mom"  " are new neighbors invited us to have dinner with them at 7 o'clock so get ready" " ok" after she left my room I got up to start getting ready since it was 6:...

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" hey rose are you don wow your room looks amazing sweetie" my mom said " thanks mom" " are new neighbors invited us to have dinner with them at 7 o'clock so get ready" " ok" after she left my room I got up to start getting ready since it was 6:20
I got ready ( this is my outfit).


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I finished getting ready and went downstairs " we are leaving now sweetie" my mom said " ok" we walked over to our new neighbors house

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I finished getting ready and went downstairs " we are leaving now sweetie" my mom said " ok" we walked over to our new neighbors house. My dad knocked on the door and a man opened it " hi come on in please" " I'm Noah this is my wife Lana, my son Colby ands my daughter Paulina " he said shacking are hands " I'm Johnny" my dad said " this is my wife Alissa and my daughter Rose" we went inside are parents started talking about work and adult boring stuff so me Paulina and her brother Colby went to their backyard and we got to know each other they were really nice and funny I love them. " so tell me about you" Asked Paulina " well I like to dance and sing, I play the guitar and yeah my life is really boring." I said with a little laugh " will tell me about the neighborhood" " everyone is really nice and we are all like a big family in here but you need to be careful from one direction" she said looking scared " who is one direction" I asked confused she looked really scared when she was talking about them " they are the most dangerous gang in this country they live three houses away from you, one of them is nice his name is Niall Horan he is not as scary as the other Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, zany Malik and Harry styles he is the leader of the gang he is really hot but scary so I don't think you should get near them if you don't want to lose your life" " now I'm scared and I'm not going to ever feel safe being in this neighbourhood" I said worried "if you don't mess with them they won't hurt you" said Colby " ok I won't ever get close to their house" " okay let's stop talking about them" said Paulina " so Rose are you free tomorrow we can go shopping and get matching outfits" Paulina Asked exited " yeah sure I have nothing to do tomorrow, what time?" " yay how about one o'clock" " sure" Paulina hugged me " can I come" Asked Colby " no you can't tomorrow is just for girls sorry" " your mean" said Colby like a little kid, I just laughed at how cute he looked. " kids dinner is ready" " we're coming" yelled Colby.
After dinner we said are goodbye and then we went home. It was a really nice peaceful night, are neighbors were really nice and i made new friends I'm really happy, but I'm scared of one direction now.

After I got home I changed into my pyjamas and took of my make up and went to sleep.

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A note :

Hi guys this is my first fan fiction I hope you guys enjoy it, the first chapter is really bad I know but I promise the next chapters are going to be better. All the love ❤️

- Mz

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