Chapter 2

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I woke up at 12:10 today I am going with Paulina shopping so I should probably start getting ready. I got up and went to take a shower, after I was done I got dressed did my makeup I was done at 12:50.
(My outfit).


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I still have sometime left for me to eat breakfast

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I still have sometime left for me to eat breakfast. "Good morning mom" " good morning honey, where are you going?" She asked " I'm going with Paulina shopping" I said eating my cereal " oh okay". After i finished breakfast I went outside to wait for Paulina. " hey girl" said Paulina walking over to my house " hi" I said hugging her " are you ready for a girls day" " hell yeah" I said with a small laugh " we're just going to wait for Colby he is going to drive us to the mall" " okay." We started talking and laughing about random things all of the sudden Paulina stopped talking and started looking at something behind me. " omg it's one direction" she whispered " oh no" I said turning around slowly, even though I was really scared of them but I want to see what they looked like. They were all really attractive especially the one with the curly brown hair I couldn't really see his eye color because I was standing a little bit far away from him, they were getting in their car. I tried to stop looking at the guy with the curls but I just couldn't he was really attractive. He got in the passenger seat as he was looking around we locked eyes together his eyes were very pretty he looked at me and smirked, his smirk was evil. " Rose stop looking at them" Paulina said pulling my arms to start walking to her house.
" hey rose" said Colby getting in the driver side " hi" I said and sat at the back with Paulina. Colby turned on the radio and we started singing blank space by Taylor Swift. We sang the whole car ride to the mall.
After about 30 minutes we finally arrived to the mall. " okay guys when your done call me and I will come and pick you up" " ok bye."

Harry's P.O.V

" do you know who these girls are" I asked the boys looking at the two girls three houses away from us. " the girl with the blonde hair is Paulina but idk who the other one is" Niall said looking at them " she's probably new in town cuz I have never seen her here before" said Louis " yeah whatever let's go finish are business" I said and Liam started the care and drive off. The girl that was standing with Paulina was cute she was really pretty with her curly short hair, she was short too which made her even cuter she was laughing like a little girl. Harry what are you thinking get her out of your head and focus on your work.

Rose P.O.V

" Paulina who was that guy with the curly hair" " that's Harry he is the leader, now stop thinking about him and have fun" "okay, let's get some matching outfits" I said excited " yay let's do it" we started walking around and went in to 20 different stores, we got lots of matching outfits and had lots of fun. It was 7:30 so we called Colby to come and pick us up. " hey guys how was the shopping" Colby asked smiling " pretty good" me and Paulina said at the same time. The car ride was silent because we were really tired. After 30 minutes we were finally home I said goodbye to Paulina and Colby and walked home. " hey mom" " hey sweetie how was the shopping" " it was pretty good, but now I'm really tired so I'm going to go to bed" I Said walking upstairs " okay sweetie goodnight" " goodnight" I yelled back. I changed into my pajama, took of my makeup and laid in bed I couldn't sleep even though I was really sleepy the only thing on my mind was Harry.

The past few weeks me, Colby and Paulina would hang out every day they are really funny. I have seen Harry staring at me so many times when I'm hanging out with Paulina and Colby in the neighborhood he would just smirk and look away his smirk is kind creepy. Today my parents invited some of our neighbors for dinner, so me and Paulina decided to wear one of our matching outfits.
I started getting ready.

( this is our outfits)

( this is our outfits)

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Harry's P

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Harry's P. O. V

This girls has been on my mind since I first saw here everything about her was so adorable and cute I can't stop thinking about her. " boys I need your help with something " I started talking and got the boys attention " what is it boss" Louis said " just don't call me that" I said the boys started laughing " boys I'm serious" "okay sorry" they said " know that girl Rose l..l want her" " you like her" "yeah so what and your going to help me to kidnap her" " okay". I went up to my room and started it of the window to see her and Paulina walking in the dark, Paulina left to get something so that was my chance. " boys" I ran down the stairs " we are going to kidnap her now" " now" they said confused " She's alone out side. We went out side got all the things we need ready and got on the car and drove Close to her I got out of the car ran to her from the back and I put the clothe with the drug on it on her nose " breath in kitten breath in " I said into her hair she was trying to fight but couldn't because she was really tiny, she finally fell asleep I put her in the car and we drove to my other house which is 5 hours away from this town. I have never wanted someone so badly until I saw her, and now she's all mine, she's my babygirl.

Rose P. O. V

After dinner all the adults were talking so me and Paulina decided to go walk around outside even though it was dark. " omg I can't wait till we start school there is lots of cute guys in our school" she said " really" " yeah let me show you , oh shit I left my phone at home let me go get it wait here" she left to go get her phone so I just walked around. All of the sudden one direction ran to their car started it and drove closer to me I started getting worried what if they want to hurt me I turned around and started walking back home but it was too late someone grabbed me from the back and but a clothe on my nose I tried to fight but I couldn't " breath in kitten breath in" the man spoke I tried holding my breath but I just couldn't I breathed in and everything around me turned black.

A note:

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter thanks for reading. All the love
-Mz 💕💕❤️

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