Chapter 11

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" baby girl you look stunning, like holy shit" Harry said wrapping his arms around my waist " thank you" I said blushing  " you don't look bad yourself" " thank you baby, are you ready to go?" Harry asked " yeah let's go" Harry grabbed my hand and we walked to his car, he opens the door for me, I got in then he got in and started driving. " so where are we going?" I asked looking at Harry " to my favorite place, always go there, it's a really nice restaurant, you will like it" " okay." After about 20 minutes drive we arrived to this really fancy looking restaurant, we got out and went in to the. We entered the restaurant, and the waiters know Harry right away, they walloped is throw the back outside the restaurant there were tables, candles and flowers ( very Romantic)

 We entered the restaurant, and the waiters know Harry right away, they walloped is throw the back outside the restaurant there were tables, candles and flowers ( very Romantic)

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We sat and ordered are food and we just talked about life, we got are food, we ate and then started heading home. We got in the car and Harry drive home, he was holding my hand the whole time. " I taking you to my house tonight kitten" "okay" we got home and Harry locked the door and he carried me up to his bedroom, sat me on the bed, and got on top of me "you are so cute, I don't know how I got so lucky" Harry said looking me in the eye. He has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen I was so lost in his eyes when he smashed his lips with mine.
* this part contains sexual content if you do t feel comfortable please skip this part*
Harry broke the kiss and took of his shirt, then came back on top of me and we made out agin, Harry moved his hand to the back of my dress and unzipped the dress, and then slid it off my body. " you look so sexy kitten" Harry said sliding his hand up, and down my leg.
( this is what rose was wearing)

" are you ready for this kitten" Harry whispered in my ear, I node

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" are you ready for this kitten" Harry whispered in my ear, I node. Harry undid my brad strap and took it off, I covered myself because I felt embarrassed to be naked in front of a male. " kitten no don't cover yourself" Harry said removing my hands from my chest, " you're so beautiful kitten" he said unzipping his pants. He came on top of me and slides down my thongs, he put his hand in my 😽 and staring going in and out slowly, I started moaning " you like that kitten" I nodded. " okay I think you're ready" Harry got up, and removed his boxers, and holy shot his dick is so big, I'm scared now, it's really gonna hurt.
He got on top of me and whispered " I will be gentle kitten I promise" he said and started entering his dick into me slowly. " Does that hurt kitten?" " no" I said in a whisper, he node then started thrusting in and out of me slowly so he doesn't hurt me. " ohh Harry that feels so good" " I know baby I know, you're so tight baby" he Harry said throwing his head back, and moaning " oh fuck baby your so tight" Harry yelled. " are you close baby" Harry asked " yes,yes" I said out of breath. Harry kept thrusting in and out off me until I comet, he finished and laid down next to me. " you did so good kitten" he said smiling at me, still breathing heavily " thank you" I whispered blushing " come closer" Harry wrapped his arms around me and we both feel asleep.
( watch this video if you want to imagine what happed you don't have to if you don't want to)

Hey guys, thank you so much for reading my story, I'm sorry about the sexual part, but it had to be in to complete the story and add some spice to it 😉. I hope you liked this part please vote thank you. Love you 😍

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