Chapter 5

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I started packing for the pool party, after I was done we drove to Louis house Niall was only there . " hey" Harry said walking in " hi" everyone said ( Niall, Louis, Eleanor) " Rose come" Eleanor said pulling me from my arm upstairs " let's get ready" " okay." " so do you want to go shopping with me tomorrow" she asked " I don't know if Harry will allow me" " don't worry I will let Louis talk to him" " yay" after we were done getting ready went downstairs " oh by the way zayn and Liam are bringing their girlfriend with them Perrie and Sophia, they are really nice you'r gonna love them" " I'm excited"

(My swimsuit)

Me and Eleanor walked out to the pool, the door bill rang  Eleanor went to open the door For the boys and their girlfriends

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Me and Eleanor walked out to the pool, the door bill rang Eleanor went to open the door For the boys and their girlfriends. Harry was standing in the pool staring at me " stop staring at me your creepy" " I can't help it sorry" he said smirking " whatever" I said sitting down. Everyone was here we played volleyball all of us together and played for hours. After a while all the boys got out the pool sat down and started talking. Perrie and Sophia were really nice and funny. " guys do you want to play girls volleyball " Asked Eleanor " yeah sure" we all agreed
We started playing Eleanor and Sophia were a team, me and Perrie were a team. We started playing and we had so much fun playing volleyball and splashing the water at each other.

Harry P. O. V

I was staring at Rose, everything about her was so perfect she was so innocent, her laugh was the cutest thing ever seen I just couldn't stop admiring her. " dude stop staring at her" Louis said " yeah Harry you have been staring at her since we came here " Liam said with a little laugh " will sorry I can't help it, just look at her she's so adorable and perfect, she's driving me insane man" I said still looking at her " have you had sex with her yet ?" Zayn asked " no I want her to get used to me first" " yeah your right " zayn said " she's really cute" Niall said looking at her " she's mine back off horan" " okay chill I'm just kidding " he said laughing " stop talking about my girl before I punch you."

Rose P. O. V

After we finished swimming we got changed, ate  dinner and went home, it was a really fun night the boys were really nice surprisingly and Niall what do I say about Niall he is just Niall he is a sweet boy but if you get close to his food he will punch you.
When we arrived home we got changed and went to bed. I really hope harry will allow me to go with the girls shopping.

Louis P. O. V

Today was such a fun day I had lots of fun. Harry really does truly love rose he have never been like this, he used to be always made and violent he used to smoke and drink lots of alcohol but since  the day rose came into his life he has changed so much to the better and I really like this side of him, he was staring at Rose and smiling like an idiot the whole time which was cute. " what do you thing about Harry and rose" i Asked Eleanor " they are so cute together but it might take rose some time to get used to Harry" " yeah"
" oh right can you talk to Harry so he can let rose come with me and the girls shopping tomorrow"Eleanor Asked " yeah sure" "I will call home tomorrow."

( skip to the next morning)

I woke up at 11:15 I got up and walked downstairs " good morning" I said smiling at Eleanor " good morning" " come eat breakfast" I walked into the kitchen poured a cup of coffee and sat down to eat my breakfast " don't forget to call Harry and ask him if rose can come with us" " okay I will call him after breakfast." After I was done breakfast I got up and called Harry " hey man" " hey" he sounded like he just woke up " so Eleanor and the girls are going shopping and they wanted rose to come along" " no thanks I don't want her to run away again" " come on man give the girl some space she has been with you since you kidnapped her and we have some business to deal with today remember" " okay fine but tell Eleanor to not leave her side" " alright man we will come and pick her up, take care" " alright bye". " so"  " he said sure but don't let her leave your soul that he doesn't want her to run away again"  "alright I'm going to go get ready" "alright."

Rose P. O. V

Louis is going to ask Harry if I can go with Eleanor and the girls I hope he'll say yes I'm so bored of being around him. " kitten" he said coming into our room I was sitting on the bed "  I'm here" he came in and sate beside me " go get ready you are going with the girls" " really yay" I got up but he grabbed me arm and pulled me to sit on his lap " listen, don't try running away because I will find you and your punishment will be much worse, and take care of yourself, don't talk to boy" " okay I won't"  " okay go" I got ready and went downstairs to Waite for Eleanor.

(My outfit)

" kitten come here" " I waked over to him " sit" he said patting on his lap I sat on his lap

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" kitten come here" " I waked over to him " sit" he said patting on his lap I sat on his lap. He kissed me I was so shocked but I kissed him back, we started making out, it lasted till we heard the door bill, I broke the kiss and got up, We walked up to the door and opened it, Louis was standing there " Eleanor is in the car" " ok bye" I said and walked over to the car.

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