Chapter 7

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Paulina P. O. V

Rose has been gone for almost eight months I really miss her, I know that one direction kidnapped her because when we used to hangout in the neighborhood Harry would always be staring at her from his room window, I just hope she's okay or even alive and if she is alive I hope that none of them hurts her. Even though I have only known her for a month but she is such a sweet and nice person. "Do you think she's still alive?" I asked Colby " I don't know but I hope so, I really miss her she was such a nice and pretty girl" Colby said looking into my eyes, he looked really sad.

Colby P. O. V

I really miss rose she was like my best friend even though I have only known her for a month but she was something else she was always a happy girl you would never want to hurt her, she would always make me laugh because of the way she acted, she acted like she's drunk or high which was really funny, it was like she was living in her own world. She always has a smile on her face. I hope that she'll come back safe I really love she is like my second sister.

Rose parents P. O. V

" she has bee gone for almost 8 months we have to do something about it please I want my baby girl back" " I know I want her back too but one direction kidnapped her and we know that we can't do anything about it" he said crying " can we at least try calling her phone maybe one of them will answer and let us at least talk to her" I suggested " Yeah sure." We started calling her phone, we called about fifteen times but  no answer.

Rose P. O. V

I have been with Harry for almost eight months now and I'm so in love, he is so sweet to me he treats me like a princess and I'm loving it, but I also missed my parents, Paulina and Colby and I really want to see them maybe if I asked harry if we can go back to are town so I can visit my parents and friends he will say yes. I went to Harry's office he was working with some papers, When I walked in he looked at me and smirked, I walked up to him and sat down on his lap. " hey" " hello kitten is everything okay" he asked " yeah everything is fine, but I was just wondering if we can go back to are town for a visit because I really missed my family and friends I wan t to see them again please" he looked at me and node " okay we can go back for a visit but.. only for a week and then we will come back to live her okay kitten" " okay, thank you so much I love you" I said kissing him on the cheek. " I fu*king love you so much" he said and smashed his lips onto mine, his lips were so soft and warm I kissed him back, he put his hands on my bum and squeeze it, i wrapped my fingers into his curly hair and started pulling it he started moaning, and just Broke the kiss " listen up kitten if you want to keep you innocent never pull my hair when we are kissing" " but why" I asked with a smirk " because that turns me on and you are really hot so that's just a bonus for me to want to fu*k you" I blushed at what he said he thinks I'm hot. " so when are we going" I asked " we can go tomorrow if you want" " yes please" I said excited " okay then you should start packing" I kissed him on the cheek and left to our room to pack some clothes. After I was done Harry told me to get ready cuz we were going out for dinner. I got ready and put on simple make up.

( my outfit)

( my makeup)

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( my makeup)

( my makeup)

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" Rose babe are you ready" harry yelled from downstairs " yeah I'm coming" I grabbed my purse and went downstairs " you look gorgeous as alway kitten" "thank you, you look really handsome" " thank you babygirl" he said kissing me on the forehead " ok let's get going" Harry said grabbing my arm and walking to the car.


Hey guys sorry that I didn't update yesterday I was really busy but I hope you enjoyed this chapter. All the love.


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