chapter 1 (edited)

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It was the last week to put in grades and Aizawa was going through to make sure the grades looked alright when noticed something was off. his number one problem child was usually a top student but recently his grades had gone down. He is a straight A student but now his highest grade is a C. Aizawa made up a plan to try and talk to him tomorrow to get some information about what was happening. When he sat down to think about it he realized how jumpy he had been and how he seemed to be losing weight but not in a good way and seemed distant.
"Your grades are out," Aizawa announced to the class as he started handing out grade cards secretly giving his problem children a smile and a nod of approval at the good grades.
He then hands everyone grade cards once he gets to deku
"Meet me after class" He whispers to Deku once he gets you his spot as he saw that Deku's grades were not his normal grades and wonders what was going on and was quite concerned about his number one problem child.
All Deku does in response is just nod. As he was too Anxious to say anything. Last time a teacher asked for him to stay after school it did not end well. Although this was in Middle School he still feared anytime he was left alone with a teacher. He spends the rest of the class period fearing what is gonna happen to him after class so when the bell rings he jumps. He packs up his stuff then moves to the teachers desk.
"You wanted to see me, sir?" Deku asks not making eye contact with Aizawa
"Yes, you're not in trouble, I just want to talk. Is something wrong?"
"W-What do you mean?" Deku stuttered out trying not to get upset because that would make him seem weak.
"Are you aware your grades have dropped?" Aizawa asked bluntly with a concerned look although Deku couldn't tell as he was currently staring at his feet.
"w-what do you mean?" He once again stuttered out trying to sound surprised although he knew this was going to happen. The truth is he has slipped into a deep depression and his so called Deku squad was just ignoring him and wanted nothing to do with him. The only people that are there for him anymore are Momo and Surprisingly Bakugou. Bakugou had made up with him overtime. His mom or All might aren't even her for him anymore they may act nice but he hears them talking about how lazy he is behind his back. He knows none of them want his to be their child.
"You usually are a top A student but now you have a lot of C's and one D" Aizawa explained shortly after getting the idea Deku didn't want to be here or talk to him alone.
":o-oh" Was the only response Deku could give.
"I don't want to force it out of you but just know you can talk to me any time now get going on your way, problem child." Aizawa said sincerely no annoyance in his voice, nothing that should make Deku afraid of him. It sounded like he really meant it but no grown up ever wanted to actually make sure he was okay.
"Okay" Was the response he gave. With that deku leaves and starts walking home on the way he just kept thinking about what his mom was going to say. He knew she was going to be made but before he knew if he got home.
"hey I'm home!" Deku announced when he walked through the door, happy to be home but not wanting to see his mom as she was probably going to blow up. He hasn't gotten this low of grades since middle school. When he brought those grades home last time it was hell.
" Hey sweetie, how was school?" Inko said with the fakest smile on her face and something in her voice made him want to punch her. Facking the whole loving mother facade makes him feel sick.
"It was okay," Deku says bluntly, not really wanting to talk to anybody, just wanting to be alone.
"All Might's coming over today" Inko says, warning her son that his step dad is coming over for dinner so he needs to be on his best behavior.
"oh all right" Deku says shortly as he walks off to his room and changes and about 15 minutes later All might come over. So Deku being the nice person he is decides to go meet All night at the door and welcome him in.
"Hey my boy' All Might awkwardly greets his successor and step son.
"Hi" Izuku says bluntly, not making eye contact just staring behind him to make it look like he's looking at him.
"Can I see the report card my boy?" All might say getting straight to the point. He said it like he knew what his grades were. Which he probably did since he is a teacher at UA.
"I haven't seen it either," Inko said from the kitchen.
"hm well go and get it for us my boy" All might said in a very demanding voice making Deku flinch by how loud his voice is.
So Deku went and got his report card. He handed it to his parents with his head down so he couldn't look at their disappointed faces.
"my boy! What's the meaning of this!?" All might yell, making Deku flinch and back away scared knowing what's about to happen.Although this time it's probably gonna be worse since All Might wasn't around during middle school.
"Why are you failing me as a mother who has done everything she could for you! Tell me where I went wrong?" Ink exclaimed with a mixture of disappointment and anger.
Deku knew she was going to react this way, she did this in middle school when report cards came.
"my boy I have noticed you're not working hard during training you need to train harder." All might said, pointing out his lack of effort.
"So now during training you're slacking off too! what the fuck is wrong with you!?" Inko yelled, raising her voice, which is something she rarely does. It seems to only happen to Deku; he's apparently the only one who could make her mad.
"Are you going to say anything or just sit there?" All might asked since the boy had been so quiet he had to say something, maybe defend himself and not just take it and cry like a little baby.
Deku has learned from the past to stay quiet during these lectures; she would never listen to him anyway.
"you deaf or mute because he's asking you a question and you're not answering!" Inko said, backing up her fiance waiting for her child to answer as her anger boiled even further.
": i-im s-sorry I wi-" Deku was then interrupted with a loud slap and stinging on his cheek when he looked up he couldn't believe what happened his mom just slapped him? She may have lectured him before but not once had she ever slapped him. Sure she had left him places if he was going too slow and he had to figure out how to get home but that's different not once before now had she ever laid a hand on her child.
"I don't need your crappy excuse. I thought you were doing better than before. Do I need to go back to checking your grades and your homework every week because I will and if this continues I will pull you out do you have anything to say for yourself." Inko ranted making threats that she will follow through with her child is once again a disgrace.
"I think you should learn a lesson following me." All might said in a condescending voice with a smirk on his face. He then takes him out and trains him until he can't move and just leaves him there for the night deku didn't go home that night he slept where he was outside. When Deku woke up the next morning he only went inside to change into his uniform and grab a granola bar and his backpack. Then He just left after that and headed to school. The whole walk to school took like thirty minutes and so he ended up late to the first period. He had no thoughts in his head and felt empty. He felt like a zombie and That feeling lasted all day. When he got to school he walked in and you could tell something had happened the night before.
"Midoriya nice to see you show up, stay after and we'll have a talk for now go sit down" Aizawa explained without letting Midoriya explain himself.
So Deku did just that and sat in his normal seat behind Bakugou. He wasn't really looking where he was going and got tripped by Todoroki and fell and landed awkwardly on his wrist.He thought he heard a crack but he didn't cry or say anything He just got up and grabbed his stuff that had fallen all over the floor when he fell and went to his seat.
"Hey nerd, you took a hard fall are you okay?" Bakugou greeted him, whispering so they wouldn't get caught.
"h-hey Kacchan y-yeah im f-fine '' Deku replies, stuttering and not quite looking him in the eyes. Whether from embarrassment or tiredness no one really knows, not even himself.
"Are you okay Midoriya?" Momo asked from her seat in front of him, seeming to understand that something was wrong and she was concerned for their little friend. It sounded like he had hit the ground extremely hard when he fell, especially when he caught himself. (Momo and Mineta had switched seats so Mineta was watched more closely by Aizawa.)
"Y-yeah" Deku replied cursing when he stuttered to know it gave him away.
"I don't believe you, what happened? Tell the truth?" Bakugou demanded, sounding angry but it was him caring and being concerned for one of his green haired friends.
"Yeah, you seem sad." Momo agreed to what Bakugou said, equally concerned but showed it in a better, calmer way.
"I have lower grades than usual and Mom's mad," Deku explained shortly knowing at least Bakugou would understand.
"How bad is it?" Bakugou asks, knowing how bad middle school was as Deku had ranted to him earlier in the year about how he felt about his parents and the shit he went through.
"worse than Middle School" Was all deku said he watched his explosive friends face warp into concern something he did not do very often.
"I'm sorry, do you want to stay at my house?" Bakugou said offering an option to get him out of his house and away from the toxic household. Knowing if he stays things are not going to be good.
"no it's fine" Deku answered not wanting to be a burden and cause more trouble then he already has. And not wanting to talk about this anymore.
"What happened in Middle school?" Momo asks, very confused and concerned as she knew from the way they were talking it's nothing good.
"I don't want to talk about it" Was the response Deku gave as he did not want to bring up bad past memories.
"Did your mom give you that bruise on your cheek?" Bakugou said now getting a good look at his face to see the purple hand print shape on his swollen cheek
"y-yeah she slapped me when i responded to her and then all might trained me till I couldn't moveI know i'm not supposed to respond while she's like that so i don't know why i did but i basically did it to myself." Deku responded slowly, turning into muttering at the end but, with no tone in his voice and he had no expression on his face at all.
"MIDORIYA THAT IS NOT OKAY!" Momo yelled out in concern with fear written on her face realizing that this must have happened before with the way the other two were acting like it was nothing. All though she hadn't realized she screamed until she saw everyone looking at her. Deku had flinched at the sudden yelling and was looking at her with a scared expression. He had shrunk down on himself and looked as if he was about to cry.
"Are you guys done back there?" Aizawa said to the three of them The only responseAizawa got was a small nod from DEku who wasn't even looking at him but he could tell from his red face he was crying.
"Okay well see me after class, all three of you." Was all Aizawa said as he turned his attention back to the lesson he was teaching all though a certain trio were not able to focus on class as one was having a panic attack and the other two were trying their best to calm him down. Deku panicked the rest of the period. He didn't even hear the bell ring. He was brought back to reality by Bakugou kneeling in front of him.
"Hey look at me you're okay you're safe" Bakugou said calmly and surprisingly comforting trying to bring deku out of the state he was in. Aizawa saw what was happening from his desk and came over quite concerned for his problem child. He knew something was happening ever since his grades dropped.
"Is everything alright over here? '' Aizawa asked, sounding concerned but to Deku he thought he was mad since he hadn't gone to Aizawa after class, he then started to panic even more.
"Hey look i'm not going to hurt you breath in through your mouth and out through your nose it's all gonna be okay you're not in trouble" Aizawa said as he was showing him how to breath he slowly got him to calm down at least a little bit.
"There you see you're gonna be just fine now can someone explain what is going on? I promise none of you are in trouble, you guys are top of the class so I know you wouldn't talk in the middle of class and not pay attention for no reason so what happened?" Aizawa asked, concerned as this wasn't like the students he knew them to be.
" Well you see Deku was telling us about how he got the bruise on his cheek and i kinda flipped out if you can't tell from the way it's shaped but someone slapped him" Momo explained trying not to reveal too much information knowing if she does it would ruin all her trust she has gained with Deku and it wasn't her place to say at all not matter how much she wanted to get the little greenette help.
" Who hit you Midoriya? No one will get in trouble, I just need to know" Aizawa says now, more focused on what happened to His problem child rather than talking to him about being late.
" can we please just go train? I really don't feel like talking about this anymore" Midoriya says very quietly, looking down, finding his feet more interesting as he fidgets, swinging his feet that couldn't touch the ground.
" Okay i won't push you but please come talk to me when you're ready to talk and if you ever need anything. Also don't push yourself today you look like you need a break" Aizawa says noticing how fatigue he looked and letting him off the hook knowing if he pushes him to talk it will all just end up bad.
With that the three of them headed to hero training to find all Might giving instructions on what to do and listened to him before putting on their hero costumes.
"Today we will be doing strength training with pro heroes who can give you advice and will be helping you" All Might explained in a very loud confident voice. He then finds Deku in the crowd of training hero's and gives him a look that sends shivers up his spine as he knows what's about to happen.
He then announces the pairings. The pairings were Endeavor with Bakugou and Todoroki, then midnight with Momo he pairs everybody up with other pro heroes; the only one who wasn't paired up yet was deku. He then finds out he was paired up with All might.
That means Deku is the only one with All might he knew this was going to end badly. Momo, Bakugou and Deku left and got his hero costumes on.
"Hey if he goes too hard on you I promise one of us will step in and catch him okay?" Bakugou said, trying to convince him that nothing bad was going to happen. More so trying to convince himself then Deku as Deku knew this would happen and had to deal with this everyday so he's just trying to get used to it.
"O-okay thank you guys but i really don't think he's gonna listen to you guys." Deku responded by actually looking up to Bakugou and for the first time Bakugou saw his big eyebags and f=realized how skinny and unhealthy he looks. The look on his face showed that he was really thankful but knew it wasn't gonna cut it for the number one hero.
Hero training went on longer than usual. Usually hero training lasts an hour but today it lasted two. Deku was trying to keep going but really needed a break he had been training the whole time. Everyone could tell as well since his whole body was shaking, barely able to hold his weight under his feet.
"c-can I please take a break?" Deku asks, voice shaking as he is physically and mentally exhausted. He knew what was coming so he braced himself for the yell of anger and face of disappointment that was soon to come.
"NO! You need to train, not take a break."All might exclaimed as he was getting more and more furious that his own son could not handle a little training and is trying to slack off. He was really starting to get fed up with his successor for days now he's been slacking off and getting weaker it's about time he gets a lesson.
"B-bu-" Deku tries to say something before getting rudely interrupted by getting slapped again on the same cheek even harder since it came from the number one pro. No matter how much he prepared himself for All Might's anger he would never be prepared enough to take the hard slap from him. The slap rang through the gym as everyone was now watching their group as the others had called it quits for the day since it's already been two hours.
"if you can't train for 2 hours without a break you'll never be a true hero! you'll never be good enough for anything. You'll always be the weak little crybaby you were when I met you!" All might said and was going to keep going before he was interrupted by Hawks. What both All Might and Deku failed to notice was how everyone's eyes were on them and how the pro hero had started making their way in between the two to get All Might away from the poor boy.
"Hey, give him a break, he's just a child!" Hawks yelled now directly in front of All Might as he put some distance between him and the greenette. His face was morphed with anger and disgust questioning how someone could do something like that to the poor kid. This was the moment Hawks decided that if anyone else laid hands on this poor boy they would pay.
"problem child are you alright?" Aizawa asks, kneeling in front of Deku now being able to see his bright red cheek that had two different looking hand prints, one new and another one old. If you looked close enough on his face you could very faintly see the concern that he felt towards the young man.
Deku didn't answer and just kept staring at All Might with tears going down his face. His breathing started picking up as he looked so distant. His eyes stuck looking at All Might looking astonished that his so-called father would slap him in front of everyone.
"Let me guide you to recovery girl's office so you can lay down okay? We can talk about it later" Aizawa said as he stood Deku up and took him to recovery girls knowing he needed to get away from the scene in front of him as hawks and the other pro heros were yelling at all might. With the walk Deku was able to snap out of whatever trance he was in.
"Now rest here. I told recovery girl that you're here and she'll probably check on you in a little bit. I'm gonna call your mom and tell her you're resting here and if she wants to pick you up she can and if she's too busy you can stay here since recovery girl is here 24/7 If you need anything you let me know." Aizawa told Deku to help him on an extra bed that was open and explained what he was going to do. Letting Deku know if he needed anything to get him. He wanted to be there as much as he needed no matter what. There was something fishy going on and he was going to get to the bottom of it.
"Okay" Deku responded simply being too tired to care anymore. Taking his shoes off and laying down. Drifting off as soon as his head hit the pillow.
"Now go to sleep," Aizawa said as he headed back to the training room to help take care of everything ready to give all Might a piece of his mind. He looked very intimidating as his face looked extremely angry.
Deku fell asleep soon after he left his face so sweet and innocent once he fell asleep like all the care in the world disappeared

37021 words not counting this but if you can't tell I'm going back and editing it a bit I don't like what I did with certain parts and I know it's been awhile but hey here I am posting I'm gonna try to update a story every other Friday Kay word try.

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