Chapter 6 (edited)

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The person who was calling was Inko. So he had no other choice but to answer and he moved into the common room where there was no one.

"you were supposed to be here by 4 and then you don't show up and I hear you couldn't even fucking train right and lost to a villain who shot you in the Arm and lost your quirk. That's why when we tell you to train harder you need to! god your so fucking useless and selfish! Now your right back were you started can't even keep a quirk for fucks sake. You'll go back to how it was in middle school. You're gonna end up getting kicked out of UA because you can't fight!" Inko said not even giving Deku a chance to say anything first. She was very angry because his son is now the quirkless loser he used to be and is now back at square one.
"Since we can't have that We are gonna be treating this ten times worse than middle school and you will be working your ass off. Now I'm gonna give the phone to Toshi" She said as she was passing the phone on to Toshi soon to be Deku's step father though he doesn't know that yet.

"I checked your grades today. What the fuck have you been doing we sent you to the dorms so you would study more and you haven't even done that. We didn't send you there so you can sit on your ass all day and sleep during training because you were "sick" Get over it! You Haven't even improved in your fighting in fact you fucking decreased and got worse"Toshi said getting really heated and disappointed in his step son since he couldn't even do the one thing they told him to do.
"Also during training this week you sat out. You really are just a fucking disappointment!! If this behavior continues me and your mom will have to have a special visit over there to set your ass straight!" Toshi yelled, getting very frustrated not to have a "normal" step son.

"Now when you get home tomorrow I found a nice date and you will go out with her. Toshi will train you up some before your date since ya know You fucked around and sat out all week. Then all you're gonna do is study and get your homework done. You don't get to do anything before you get it done. Your father is gonna watch over you to make sure you get it done and do it correctly. If you don't then well you'll find out tomorrow. I expect you to be here by 6 AM for training tomorrow. If not , I will march my ass over there to come get you, you understand?!" Inko said also equally frustrated and set up the date because her son can't figure out how to be a good son to his perfect mother who had been there for him through everything.

"y-yes m-ma'am" Izuku stuttered out knowing not to talk until spoken too

"good now, get to studying and show up looking decent tomorrow!" Inko yelled, wanting to get her message straight. with that she hung up. Deku had tears in his eyes as he said that he had a hand on his stomach as he felt like he was going to vomit again. He had sent himself into a panic attack and as he lost his senses his nausea grew more.In the end he threw up all down the front of himself causing him to panic more.
When he had first started panicking Bakugou and Momo came over to him knowing it was probably his mom. They didn't say anything since there were a couple people in the common room and they knew Deku didn't want people knowing so they just directed Deku to the couch when he had thrown up there were more people in the common room. Most of them were by his side helping him and Bakugou was bossing them around telling them what to do. That was everyone but the Deku squad but someone was sent to deal with them. While Bakugou was telling people what to do Momo had got Deku's attention and he started to calm down.
"Hey Izu do you feel calm enough to get up now?" Momo asked in a very calm voice she tried not to sound alarmed or panicked the best she could.

"Y-yeah" Deku had managed to stutter out feeling absolutely exhausted

"Okay why don't you get changed into some new Jammies and if you are feeling up to it you can go shower?" Momo says as she helps him stand up.

"Okay sounds good" With that Deku went up stairs and changed he did in fact shower. While he was in the shower his thoughts were racing. He just kept thinking about what his parents told him he really is a disappointment even more so now as he is a quirkless little nobody. He looked around under the sink in panic. After shoving things around he found a new pack of razors deep in a cupboard he opened it Took the razor in his left hand as his right wrist was free of any cuts and put as much pressure as he could on the razor then slid it across his wrist very slowly feeling the sting he craved and watched the blood bubble to the surface. AS he did this he could hear every insult thrown at him ever. Which made him cut more and made him spiral even further. He was lucky he was still standing in the shower as the blood dripped down his arm to the shower floor. He sat there for maybe ten more minutes before he got up wrapped his arm so it didn't bleed, threw his shirt and got dressed getting ready to go back to the common room.
Once he was ready he came down and sat on the couch with Tokoyami and talked about heroes with him until everyone was ready to watch the movies. No one asked him any questions earlier as Bakugou and momo had told them that he was sick and he felt like he was gonna vomit and started panicking wich caused him to panic even more not realizing. Once everyone was ready they watched a couple of Harry potter's before everyone fell asleep. They all ended up fast asleep on each other on the couch. Deku ended up falling into a deep sleep as his body still was not fully rested and he was slowly falling deeper into not only depression but sickness. He ended up sleeping in and woke up at 5:45 and he knew there was no way he was gonna make it back to his mom's house. He still had to get dressed and eat breakfast. He was panicking quite a bit when he woke up knowing that his step dad might end up coming to the school. She is a woman of her words. He started rushing around to get ready. He skipped breakfast and brushed his teeth, then got dressed. Once he was done with all of that it was 5:50 He knew if he didn't hurry up his so called "parents" were gonna be on their way soon. So without thinking he tried to fired up his quirk and had the sad realization that he doesn't have it anymore. With that headed out the door then realized he forgot his shoes so he went back in and got his shoes. As he was putting them on he heard commotion outside. That caused him to panic hoping it wasn't his mom. Luck did not seem like it was on his side that day. As he was about to walk out the door his mom and soon to be step dad busted through the door.

"Oh well look who it is, I told you to be home by six!" Inko was the first to say anything looking pissed off.

"I-It's O-Only 5:51" Deku responded knowing he's gonna get backlash but knew it wasn't even 6 yet.The whole time he was trembling from the fever that was slowly making its way through his body again and of fear.

"IDC It's not like your lazy ass could get to my house before 6. Especially since you can't rely on a quirk anymore. Now get your ass moving or I'll drag you to the car myself you useless shit"Inko yelled at her son waking up a few of the kids who were in the other room sleeping.With all the yelling Bakugou came around the corner acting like he just woke up but really he had been up the whole time.

"Hey Auntie, why are you yelling?"Bakugou asked as soon as he knew she saw him. This was part of him and Momo's plan they had made while they heard the yelling.

"Oh Katsuki dear did we wake you I'm sorry we had a little disagreement I'm Taking Izuku home as we were told he's been sick but he was refusing saying how he was fine you now how stubborn he can be" Inko said mustering up the sweetest most innocent voice she put on the fake caring mother act. And she knew her son so well that the lie she came up with made it sound like something he would say. "Anyway, why don't you contact Mitsuki and ask to see if you guys would like to come over for dinner tonight."

"Alright I'll let her know. I better call her to see if she's ok. I'll let you know although i'm not sure if I have your number. Do you think you could put it in so I can let you know what she says?" Bakugou said moving closer, handing her his phone to put her number in trying not to seem suspicious as he had a plan for tonight.

"Yup that works let me know what she says now i better get Izuku home and get him some rest he seems to be doing better so i'm sure he'll be up for dinner tonight won't you?" Inko said now forcing her sick child to eat dinner with the Bakugous.

Once Inko handed Bakugou his phone back all three of them walked out the door and off campus and into Inkos car. Izuku knew the car ride was going to be hell. He was yelled at for how they could have gotten caught and other things. Izuku was just kinda blankly staring out the window pretending to pay attention. That was until they realized they weren't paying attention and Inko reached around her seat and smacked him in the head yelling at him to pay attention.

When they got back to the house Inko instructed Izuku to wait outside and stretch and get prepared for Toshinori to train him.So Izuku did just that. He waited for his step dad to come out stretching and trying to mentally prepare himself for what was about to happen. While he was waiting he realized he should probably let his friends know where he is. So he sent a message to the group chat just in case someone forgot. Deku "Trained" With all might for 4 hours. It was so hard. He passed out three times but All Might wouldn't give him a break at all and kept making him fight him and get beat. After the four hours Deku was sent inside to get changed and to shower before he had a date.
"She will be here in ten minutes you better be ready otherwise when you get home it will be worse." Inko threatened "Now i am leaving for work when I get home you should have all your homework done and have studied with Toshi after you will be there for dinner tonight no matter what" With that she walked out the door and headed to the hospital where she worked.So Deku did just that and got inside and cleaned up. He went to his room and got his clothes then headed to take a shower. His body aching every step he took from being overworked and from sickness. When he looked in the mirror once he stepped out of the shower he had seen how many scars he had and because he hadn't been eating much and throwing up a bunch he had lost so much weight you could now see his ribs.
That alone made him cry. Once he was done there was a knock on the door so he decided to go and open it. It was of course his date. He definitely was not expecting to see..

Ok so I haven't proof read this so there are probably a lot of spelling mistakes but second chapter in a week let's go!!

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