Chapter 5 (edited)

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Panic attacks
(If I missed some please let me know)

That night after Deku gave All might's quirk back he was in the middle of a panic attack and was trying to decide if he should bother Bakugou or not. He was pacing back in fourth in the kitchen hyperventilating. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a gruff voice from the common room.

"problem child, why are you up?" The gruff voice asked from the common room. And was slowly coming into the kitchen and turned on the light so he could see his face.

"uh i- um" Deku stuttered,not only because he was afraid he was going to get into trouble for being out of his dorm past curfew.But also because he was still in a mid panic attack so he wasn't able to get much out.

"hey calm down it's alright why don't we go sit in the common room and calm down for a bit" Aizawa said noticing how panicked the young boy looked guiding him to the common room and getting him to sit down on the couch and Aizawa gets him to calm down once deku is fully calmed down to just sniffles Aizawa tries to get him to talk.

"You wanna talk about what happened? You don't have to, I'm just trying to help you in any way I can" Aizawa asked from where he was sitting in front of him on the couch. Not wanting to push the young boy but wanting him to know he was there for him.

"n-not really *sniff* no '' Deku responded as the teacher didn't know about his quirk he couldn't just tell him.This was a national secret kept on the boy's shoulders. It's like having the weight of the world on you and he's only sixteen.

"Would you like some water?" Aizawa asked hoping he would say yes as he was crying earlier and he needed to rehydrate.And was sick literally like the day before and is still recovering. And from what Aizawa could see he doesn't seem to be feeling any better.

"n-no I'm good" Deku answered he wasn't ready for anything other than just sitting he was quirkless again what does he tell his teacher when he asks him to use his quirk.

"okay well everyone should start waking up in about an hour that's why I was here to make breakfast as I usual for you guys on Friday so you can take a nap and I'll wake you up to get breakfast then go back to bed or you can stay up. But after breakfast you have to get some medicine and go back up to your dorm and get some rest, okay?" Aizawa asks, knowing the boy is not in any condition to go to school.

"o-okay I need to talk to you at some point though," Deku responded as Aizawa made his way to the kitchen.

"Okay, whenever you're ready you can come and talk to me, okay?" Aizawa said, trying to hint to the boy that he'll always be there for the boy.

"Okay c-can I help you make breakfast?" Deku asks, standing up from the couch and heading over to where Aizawa is putting on his apron.

"yeah if you're feeling up to it" Aizawa says not wanting the boy to push himself too far because he looked pale and sweaty from a fever and had big eye bags under his eyes so the boy was definitely still sick.

"Yeah I need a d-distraction" Deku said honestly, now fully in the room. And standing next to Aizawa where there was an apron that Eri usually uses and Aizawa said no one else was allowed to wear it draped over his shoulders.

"I thought no one else is allowed to wear this but Eri?"Deku asks, his head tilting looking like a confused puppy.

"Well Eri would let you wear it as she wouldn't want you to get food or clothes but let's keep this our secret." Aizawa said, tying the back of the apron and slightly cursing under his breath as he knows this child is going to be the death of him. "Now let's get started," Aizawa said after tying the apron.

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