chapter 4 (edited)

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Mentions of SH
Mentions of past SH/ suicide
Getting caught SH
Mentions of vomit

When Aizawa had walked into the classroom everyone went to their seats and were shut up before Aizawa could say anything. Aizawa looked around the room and was relieved to see Deku in his seat. He decided after class he would definitely talk to him again. He was starting to get very concerned. He started his class and the lesson went according to plan although when he looked over he saw his problem child passed out asleep at his desk.

                         after class

"And that raps up this lesson PROBLEM CHILD" Aizawa said yelling the last part to wake up the sleeping boy and instantly regretting it. Because  Deku shot his head up off the desk, and looked like he was about to cry, honestly he looked like a baby who had just been startled. "See me after class" Aizawa continued praying he didn't startle the boy too much, that was not the plan. 

"Look, the little useless baby got in trouble," Uraraka said, taunting the boy and being really mean to the poor boy who has enough to deal with in his life and doesn't need anymore.  

"Aww " Tsu said joining in on the bullying 

"hah he's probably gonna go cry about it like everything else" Todoroki spat in Deku's face while packing up his stuff 

"QUIET!" Aizawa yelled, getting the attention of the last ten people left in the classroom not accepting the bullying as UA has a strict no bullying policy. 

"Now get out so I can talk and you can get to your next class" While speaking Aizawa had moved to Midoriya's desk as Deku was still in his seat and still not quite awake.

Once everyone left, Aizawa finally got a chance to talk to the boy "everything okay problem child?" Aizawa finally was able to ask. 

"y-yeah why wouldn't it be?" Deku responded stuttering knowing he was caught red handed. 

"well 1. you didn't come back to the dorms last night. 2. your stuttering which means you're lying 3 you look like absolute shit and 4th you fell asleep in my class and if I knew you you would never." Aizawa said reading Deku while reading people is something he's really good at. 

"I'm just not feeling good s-sorry sir just p-please don't tell my m-mom or a-all might." Deku stuttered although he seemed to be telling somewhat of the truth he was shaking and seemed to be holding back tears as if he was afraid of something and he was holding his wrist like he was in pain. 

"Okay but for real if you need anything come to me okay?"Aizawa said, looking down at Deku who was still holding his wrist afraid to let go. Afraid it would cause more pain. 

"okay i-is that all?" Deku asked, feeling the pain in his wrist pulsing. 

"One more thing where were you last night you worried your classmates" Aizawa said looking into his students eyes with concern although he would never admit it he too was very concerned and had even sent out a search. 

" I was training but ended up falling asleep outside before dinner. I didn't mean to worry anyone" Deku said feeling bad that he worried anyone but it wasn't like it was his fault. 

" let me guess  when you "fell asleep" you passed out because you overworked yourself" Aizawa asked knowing that only his problem child would work himself till he passed out although he had a feeling that he wasn't by himself but he wasn't gonna bring it up at least not right now. 

Deku knew there was no way to get out of it so he just nodded

"Okay well during training this week I want you to sit out and let your muscles heal. And also give me your wrist by the way you're holding it you must have done something to it. " Aizawa says knowing his problem child needs a break.

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