chapter 3 (edited)

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About 2 hours later they had gotten through their movie and had just put in the next movie when they were rudely interrupted but the front door to the dorms being busted open and All Might steps in and yells for some god damn reason no one knows.''I AM HERE HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN YOUNG MIDORIYA!" This had startled the poor boy who was just trying to catch up on his sleep. Causing him to shoot up from where he was laying on the couch.

"hey hun you're alright just lay back down." Momo said noticing the boys panic, her face originally was full of frustration but her face slowly turned softer when she saw how frightened the poor boy was.

"he's not training today he's not feeling good therefore he needs rest."All might said not letting there be any room for arguments as if you are sick you should rest. He knew he was gonna pay later but he was hoping maybe he could keep all might from him again. Annoyed at what Bakugou said All Might stormed out of the room slamming the door on his way out causing the boy to jump agian.

"See you're alright '' Momo said looking at the poor boy who had laid his head back down in exhaustion not wanting to deal with anything as he was too tired.

"you wanna go eat dinner? It should be done by now,"Bakugou asks, looking at the time, noticing that it was getting pretty close to dinner time.

"mm' tired" Deku slurred as he was absolutely exhausted from training and just everything in general he wasn't doing good mentally or physically and you could tell he now had dark eye bags from not sleeping in fear of All Might coming to train him or his mom making him clean and do other work until god knows what time.

"I know but you need to eat"Bakugou argued knowing that deku would probably put up a fight not wanting to eat as he just woke up.

"fine but something small though" Deku said feeling like he can't stamche anything but knows he needs to suck it up and act fine so people don't suspect anything.

They all went to the kitchen as dinner was ready.

"dish it out yourselves Deku i got yours here it's not spicy either" Bakugou said while handing Deku his dish as he made it separate from the others knowing Deku likes spicy things but definitely would not be able to stomach the spice today

"thank you kachan" Deku said gratefully and started to dig in and start eating

" yup" Was the reply that Bakugou gave him

Dinner went by pretty smoothly. Everyone sat and ate and enjoyed dinner. Deku had woken up quite a bit now and he ate more than he thought he would, which was making him upset because he didn't need to anymore then what he already does he eats enough.After dinner everyone helped clean up to get the job done faster then they finished their movie.

"Can you help me study now please?" Deku asked, sitting up from where he was laying on the couch as the end credits were rolling.

"yeah we need to talk anyway you comin ponytail?" Bakugou said standing up and stretching his joints popping like an old man.

"yeah right behind ya" Momo said standing up and walking behind them in the elevator

The Elevator was short and quiet, not awkward, just quiet. They all had questions to ask but they had to get to Deku's dorm before asking those questions. Once they got to Deku's dorm and they were situated doing homework together Bakugou finally sprang the question on him. "be honest, how bad has it gotten at home?" After all might come into the dorm looking for him and after he literally slapped him in front of everybody he noticed something was wrong he knew things had escalated more then what Deku was leading them onto.

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