chapter 8 (edited)

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He woke up to Mitsuki shaking his shoulder lightly.

“Hey, sweetie I’m here to take you home and okay?” Mitsuki asked quietly.

“M’tired” Deku slurred half from the concussion and the other half from sleeping.

“I know hun but we are going to get you home and changed then you and Katsuki can have a sleepover together let’s get you up and into the car though I already got your stuff hun,” She said guiding him to sit up with her hand and once he was up she helps him to the car.
Once he was outside he made his way to Mitsuki’s car and hopped in. He started feeling so much worse in the car he was just praying he wouldn’t puke in her car. Luckily he didn’t and was able to hold whatever was in his stomach.

“Okay we are at your house your mom wanted us to come over for Dinner,” She said motioning to her and Mausuro and Deku must have been so lost in their own head that he didn’t realize they picked up Bakugou on their way. With that, he got out of the car and walked into his house it was like a completely different house everything was cleaned up and the house looked untouched. He supposed his mother didn’t stay at work as long as she said she would be and did most of the housework with Toshinori helped a bit too. He wasn’t able to study with Toshinori like he was supposed to since Mitsuki was already there. when he walked in the door he was told to get changed and look decent since the Bakugous were eating and Inko was on her way home. He was supposed to cook dinner and was even told by Toshinori to go cook but the bakugous weren’t letting him in the kitchen.
“He is in no way shape or form able to cook in the kitchen. If you can look at him and tell me nothing wrong with him you need your eyes checked. I just picked him up from the school because he called Aizwawa slurring with what seemed to be a really bad concussion and your making him cook there ain't no way.” Mitsuki said raising her voice slightly at the skelton-like man. The said man just walked away and was on the phone he seemed to be placing an order so at least dinner was covered and there was no actual fight. Soon Inko arrived and Mitsuki had a bad feeling about tonight so she decided to show Izuku some love and explain a little bit about what was going on.

“Hey, Izuku come and give your Auntie and Uncle a hug?” Mitsuki asked pulling her arms out to give him a hug and Izuku slowly moved into it. Once he was in her arms she held him close and whispered in his ear. “Katsuki told me that Inko has been acting off and that he believes she’s been not the greatest to you and honestly I'm gonna believe him so I’m gonna be here and observe okay?” The only response he gave was a small nod and moved to hug his uncle.

“You're really warm, I was told you were sick before it seems like your fever has come back” Massoru whispered as he could feel the boy trembling in his arms and could feel the boy's hot forehead that was resting on his neck.

“Dinner is all set and ready so if you guys would join us in the kitchen we can dig in,” Inko said from the kitchen and so everyone moved towards the kitchen and Deku moved out the chairs for his Auntie and for his mom.

The food was already on the table so they started to dig in. Well everyone but Izuku he was just pushing food around his plate pretending to eat. Not that there was much food on his plate he knew there was only food on his plate because they had guests.  He knew if he tried he would vomit it back up. The smell of it alone was nauseating enough for him to almost have to excuse himself. Because of this, he was not paying attention to the conversation so when he was asked something everyone was looking at him for an answer but he was just zoned out not paying attention.

“Zuku You were asked a question,” Bakugou said, nudging him a little bit from where he was sitting beside him.

“O-o sorry can you repeat it please?” Deku responded, finally zoning back into reality.

“Yeah I just asked how things are going at school and if you're feeling any better?” Mitsuiki said repeating what she had said earlier as she could tell he was feeling worse as he looked so far away.

“Y-yeah I f-feel fine. May I be excused to go to the bathroom?” Deku said looking like he was about to be sick everyone knew he lied about being fine.

“Yes,” Inko said and With that, Deku got up. Once he was out of sight he sprinted to the bathroom not even closing the door as he barely made it in front of the toilet before he threw up once again. Once he was done he sat there not sure if he would be able to get up without passing out. He soon forced himself to get up not wanting to get yelled at by his parents for taking too long. Once he was back at the table everyone was pretty much done so he went around and collected everyone's plates and washed them. Once he was done washing them he walked back to the table and stood by his seat waiting for a chance to talk not wanting to cut anyone off. Once he had a chance he asked if they were ready for dessert and most were so he walked to the kitchen and got the dessert prepared. He was trembling so much that while he was bringing the food over you could hear the plates clanging together no matter how hard he tried to get them to stop shaking they just continued.

“Hey bud, why don’t you go back to your room or chill in the living room? You obviously don’t feel good and don’t need to be working yourself further.” Masuru said, noticed how much the poor boy was shaking and could see the pain in his face. At this point, he is willing to fight Inko for this boy.

“He’s fine if he wants to be a hero or anything close he needs to fight off whatever this is and work even harder than the others,” Inko said, making the boy finish the task he was given. She really doesn’t care if the boy is sick, she really only cares if the boy will get the tasks that need to get done, done.

“He’s obviously not fine, he looks about ready to pass out any second that’s why he needs to lay down. Even heroes have sick days.” Mitsuki said, moving over to the young boy and guiding him over to the couch.

“Katsuki hun why don’t you take him to his room and we will start plan B” Mitsuki said turning her attention the her son.

“Okay sounds good” So with that katsuki took Izuku to his room without saying anything else and let the grown-ups talk.
Once he was in the room and the door was closed, that's when Katsuki decided to explain everything. “So we have a plan, my mom is gonna talk to your mom, and while she does that You are going to pack your stuff for a sleepover and you're going to be staying with us for a while,” Bakugou explained as he helped Deku start packing a bag. As they were packing Deku had started to look even paler than before. Bakugou noticed and made him sit on the floor.

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