Chapter 7 (edited)

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He definitely was not expecting to see Ochako Uraraka, one of the girls in his class. Also his current bully and ex-best friend. She was dressed up more than usual. He was in such shock that he didn't realize that Toshinori was behind them until he opened his mouth and was talking.
"Did you two even hear what I said?" Tishinori asked in a much nicer tune than he used a little bit ago.
"Oh uh sorry no sir," Uraraka said very shyly, stuttering over her words. Which is a lot different from how she acts at school. Guess she was trying to put on an appearance in case Inko was around. Obviously, Toshinori knew how she acted towards him. He was actually the one who set this whole thing up.

"I said to have fun and get going," Toshinori said really nicely. Nothing seems wrong on the outside of this house but if you spent one day in this house you would be so wrong.

So with that, they headed out Deku just followed behind Uraraka letting her lead him wherever she wanted to go. He did not want to be here and planned to be on the date for as little as possible. On this walk he began to feel nauseous; he couldn't tell if this was anxiety or from being sick. Maybe a mix of both. When he realized they had stopped walking was when he realized they were at a house that he had assumed was her house. When he walked in he was met with a punch straight to the eye. He was then beaten, one punch to the stomach was all it took for his lunch to be all over the floor which caused the beatings to get harder and faster. He knew they were throwing insults at him but he couldn't hear them. He couldn't even see who was doing it. He wasn't crying or anything, he felt numb. It was only a matter of time before he passed out.
When he had woken up he had been dumped in a random alley. He felt so out of it that he didn't remember what happened and his head was killing him. So was his Stomach and his whole body ached. Although his head was pounding and body aches his stomach felt different. It felt like a burning sensation it felt like his stomach was on fire. He kept blinking trying to get the blurriness from his eyes to disappear.
After a while of just laying there, he sat up and as soon as he did he was immediately met with nausea and dizziness then he felt the burning pain in his stomach get worse it was dizzying making him feel seconds from passing out. When he looked down he saw there was a burned hole through his shirt and a blistering burn on his stomach. He thought he should call someone to come pick him up although he wasn't sure who the best person was for this. When he pulled out his phone he wasn't able to read the contacts in his phone so he just clicked whoever's contact that pulled up Luckily it was in alphabetical order so he didn't end up calling any of the Deku squad, Inko, or Toshinori. He ended up calling Aizawa.

"Hello Problem child, what do you need?" The tired voice said over the phone. It was extremely loud in Deku's ear. Causing his head to hurt even worse.

"S' so loud" Deku Slurred Clearly not completely there.

"Where are you at?" Aizawa asked in a voice full of concern he could tell something was wrong with the boy because he sounded drunk.

"I dunno" Deku responded trying to get a look at his surroundings but everything was blurry He couldn't focus on anything.

"Okay, I got you I'm gonna track your phone so I need you to stay on the phone with me okay."Aizawa said as he put the boy on speaker moving quickly and tracking where the call was coming from.

"Mkay......m'stoamch hurts." Deku responded whimpering slightly and moved to lay down feeling worse then he had earlier.

"Hang tight I'll be there soon okay"Aizawa said getting ready to head out

"But m' tired." Deku slurred not wanting to stay awake wanting to sleep the pain away.

"Keep your eyes open, I'm on my way" Aizawa was true to his words and was literally running through the city to find the boy. He was really worried for the boy knowing his problem child doesn't call him out of the blue. While he was running he kept making Deku answer questions and stayed on call with the boy making sure he was okay and conscious.
Once he arrived he saw Deku sitting in an alleyway looking seconds away from passing out and feverish When he got closer he saw he had a huge burn on his stomach. He came over to the boy and crouched in front of him.

"Hey I'm here can I touch you and pick you up to take you to recovery girl"

"Ya" So with that He picks Deku up being very careful as to try not to cause even more pain. Even though he was trying it didn't work Deku started to cry from pain Aizawa tried to help him and situate him better but it definitely did not help Deku actually ended up passing out. After that happened Aizawa just rushed him back to UA. He ran to recovery girl's office where she was waiting for him.

"So what happened?" Recovery girl asked Aizawa helping him lower the boy onto the bed and treating his wounds.

"I don't know, I know he called me and was slurring so I'm guessing he has a concussion. Kinda sounded drunk but I'm pretty sure he has a concussion he also has a burn on his stomach. I haven't examined him anywhere else, that's all I could see." Aizawa responded by giving off all the information he had as the Recovery girl started to look over him and check out his injuries. He ended up having a 3rd degree burn on his stomach a broken arm a black eye and a really bad concussion.
"Okay, hun I healed you as much as I can I'm gonna have to call your mom since you have a fever and a concussion. I want you to try to sleep some if you can that will help with your headache and injuries a little bit. I will be checking up on you to make sure you are healing properly I don't want to see you at school on Monday because you obviously aren't getting any better but since You are supposed to be at home this weekend your parents should pick you up." recovery girl said writing down a recovery plan while also looking up His mom's number to call her. She wrote the stuff down because she knew he wasn't going to remember and his parents probably wouldn't have either. At some point, which Deku couldn't remember she found the number and called his parents. It was probably a good thing he didn't remember as his "parents" weren't happy about having to pick him up because he was sick.
"Your mom isn't coming to pick you up since Mitsuki is one of your emergency contacts I'm going to call her to see if she will pick you up okay?" Recovery girl asked in a mood after talking to his parents but calming down to talk to him.
"Okay that's fine" Deku responded Just waiting on a bed for someone to pick him up and slowly falling asleep to the sound of recovery girl talking quietly in the distance and feeling Aizawa rub circles on his back to calm him further.

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