Chapter Twenty-Three

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A/N This chapter is dedicated to @Erika_Hood1996 for all of the lovely comments and the follow! Read her books and follower her, she's AMAZAYN!

Harry's Point Of View

Now, where was that little rat hiding? I'm at the place where Leann was taken, he can't be far from here. I hear a rustle in the trees around me, I aim my bow, and keep it ready.

There's more than one enemy out here.

"Who's there?" I speak, almost in a whisper, noise attracts these things. "Please, don't hurt me!" A young voice yelps. Sounds like a teenager...

I take a few steps closer, behind the bushes,where they are hiding.

Damn it, it's not Colin. "Who are you?" I mumble, getting closer, to the small, tan girl. She looks like a young, girl version of Zayn.

"I-I am Erika... Please don't hurt me, I wasn't bit!" She pleads.
Just to make sure, I examine her. She's covered in blood, but there are no signs of bit marks, or scratches. Just a bullet wound.

"Let's get you somewhere safe, yeah?" I ask. She nods her head.

I guess I'll find Colin some other day, I need to get this girl back to the store.


"Zayn! Get somewhere for this girl to lay down on... She's been shot!" I yell, bursting through the grocery shop doors. Zayn grabs one of the sleeping bags, and lays it on the counter for the small pharmacy.

"What do we do?" Leann asks, looking at Erika. "I can fix it." Zayn says. "I too a course before I went on X-Factor." He stated

"Oh." Harry says, as Zayn gets to work. He garbs some tweezers, and it looks as if he's trying to get the bullet fragments out of the girls body.

💎Zayn's point of view!💎

Okay, I can do this. I have almost all of the pieces of the bullet out, just one more. This girl is crying so much I can tell she's in pain. What was her name?

"Erika, are you okay?" Harry asks. Erika. Pretty name.

"Not really." She mumbles. "Harry grab some pain medication or something!" I yell, pointing towards the pharmacy shelves. "O-okay..." Harry says, running to the shelves. I roll my eyes, and hold her hand. "It's okay Erika, I will make it all better." I whisper. She nods her head, and closes her eyes. "Can I do anything?" Leann asks, worried and scared.

"Would you go help Harry?" I ask, she nods and runs after him. Just one more piece. She's not bleeding too bad, but I don't want to play my luck. I close my eyes (not my wisest decision) and snatch the bullet out of her tissue. "Ouch!" She screams. Shit!

She looked down at her stomach, and saw the blood shooting out of her body. With one glance she passed out. Shit.

Quickly, I start to patch the wound pack up, to stop the bleeding. I am able to fix it, and as soon as I do, Harry and Leann are back. I grab a needle I find on the ground, wash it off, and inject the pain medication into her vein.

Let's hope that worked.


Erika's Point of View! 💤💤💤

Who was that? That man who saved me? He looked so familiar...

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