Chapter Twenty-Six

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Leann's Point of View
Does Erika know why I really wear the bracelets? She's been eyeing my wrists all day. Oh well, if she finds out, she finds out. A few hours later, Harry and Zayn return. But they have someone with them. "Louis!" I scream, and me and Erika both run up and tackled him with a bear hug. "I can't believe you're back!" I cry. "Well you better believe it." He smirks and ruffles my hair.

"Me and Zayn filled in Louis about you, Erika." She nods, and Harry smiles. "I've missed you so much." Louis said to Harry. "You too Zayn!" He smiles. We all start to laugh. "Alright, who's hungry?" Louis asks. "But he way, where's Nialler at?"

"Oh," Harry starts. "He didn't make it." Zayn finishes. "Oh." Louis says.

"Well, I'll get some supper ready?" I say, trying to change the subject. "I'll help!" Erika yelps, running after me. Of course... She probably doesn't trust me with the metal can opener. Or the knives.

Maybe I'm just being paranoid. Even if she knew, she wouldn't understand. We both walk into the aisle of canned vegetables. In small basket we pick two cans of baked beans for all of us... My favorite. Erika picks some corn as well. Then, we found a nice pot to cook them in. Erika ran off to tell the boys to start a campfire for the beans and corn. I also grab some mega marshmallows for desert. Yum.

A/N sorry for the short chapter, only 277 words. But at least it's something. I don't feel too well... But I'll probably update tomorrow just because. Love you guys ❤️💛❤️💙💚💙💜💜💜💋💋

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