everyone simps for Duncan

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Trent: hey guys :)

Heather: where have you been-

Trent: oh! me and Justin went on holiday :)

Noah: Justin?

Justin: yep :)

Beth: omg Justin! hi! i only haven't been online because you weren't! hi!

Justin: hi?

Noah: ooo justinnnn i think she likes youuu

Justin: oh damn

Trent: poor boyfriend :(


Heather: WHAT HE SAID??


Trent: yeah we're dating-


Courtney: now THATS new


Courtney: YES OFC IT IS

Geoff: almost everyone has love, but not me 🙁 Duncan doesn't like me :(

Trent: court, THATS new-

Trent: oh wait, it's actually not new-

Justin: anywayzz

Justin: Beth, I'm really not interested

Beth: come on Justin! yes you are!

Justin: i'm not tho-

Beth: :(

Heather: cry about it beth

Heather: he already has a partner

Beth: :(

Geoff: talk about being sad

Geoff: i think i'm going emo

Gwen: tf-

Geoff: gwen? be my emo buddy?

Gwen: uh- sure?

Geoff: at least someone appreciates me

Duncan: what about Bridgette?

Geoff: oh she broke up with me

Geoff: but I have you now 😍

Dj: no you dont :)

Geoff: yes

Dj: no

Geoff: yes

Dj: no

Duncan: geoff, respectfully back off

Geoff: for you 😍

Alejandro: geoff, he likes me, thats why he's telling you to back off :)

Duncan: no?

Alejandro: don't deny it daddy :)

Heather: poor Duncan

Alejandro: why? he actually does like me!

Duncan: I dont tho

Heather changed Geoffs a simp for Duncan to everyones a simp for Duncan

Duncan left everyones a simp for Duncan

Dj added Duncan to everyones a simp for Duncan

Duncan changed everyones a simp for Duncan to Duncans the best

Courtney changed Duncans the best to Fuck Duncan

Gwen: I second that

Noah: I third that

Cody: I fourth that

Heather: I fifth that

Harold: I sixth that

Duncan: Shut up Harold

Heather: never thought I'd be standing up for Harold, but Duncan you shut up

Harold: thanks Heather. :)

Heather: whatever

Geoff: Well I'm on Duncans side 😍

Alejandro: ^ 😍

Heather: shut up

Hey guys sorry for not posting for a while, I completely forgot about this lol.
Ily! Stay safe <3

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