arguing again sorta-

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Courtney added Gwen to Tea ☕️

Cody: how come you added her back?

Courtney: we talked through things and we're good now

Gwen: ^

Heather: good

Dj: I'm glad you worked things out :)

Courtney: thank you :)


Cody: hi guys

Bridgette: hi

Gwen: hi

Noah: bye

Cody: huh?

Noah: i said bye

Cody: oh

Cody: lol

Noah: :)

Duncan: affection<

Heather: ikr


Duncan: what?

Gwen: you know

Duncan: SHUT UP

Gwen: no

Noah: yes

Gwen: no

Noah: shut up

Heather: stop ffs

Gwen: no

Heather: fuck off your just mad i took your girlfriend

Gwen: you're*

Duncan: sorry HAHAHA


Lindsay: what does bsfhahha mean nowhere?

Noah: it means im laughing

Lindsay: ooooh

Lindsay: i dont get it

Heather: is there anything you do get?

Courtney: probably not

Lindsay: yes there is!

Heather: go on then

Lindsay: I get maths!

Trent: can you elaborate on that?

Lindsay: what does that mean?

Heather: I rest my case

Sorryyyyy, shorter chapter
And my apologies for not updating haha

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