duncans annoying everyone

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Cody / Izzy priv chat

Cody: Hey Izzy?

Izzy: yeah?

Cody: do you have any clue why Noah's leaving me on opened?

Izzy: no but ill ask him

Cody: thank you

Izzy: no problemo

Tea ☕️

Tyler: hi

Duncan: no

Tyler: shut up duncan

Gwen: ik like as much as i dont like tyler theres no need

Tyler: Hey!

Gwen: well at least im standing up for you

Tyler: oh

Tyler: thanks

Duncan: shush im busy

Heather: what are you on to think we care

Duncan: go away Heather

Heather: i bet your not even doing anything serious so no


Duncan: see?

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Duncan: see?


Duncan: well it is for me

Heather: i bet your on ya own

Duncan: no

Duncan: I'm with Geoff

Geoff: thats true

Heather: oh whatever

Duncan: LMFAO


Cody / Izzy priv chat

Izzy: Wanna know what noah said?

Cody: yes please

Izzy: he said hes doing an experiment

Izzy: dont tell him i told you and play along

Cody: ok ty

Izzy: np

Tea ☕️


Eva: dont ask that was Noah

Duncan: i was about to say stop messaging the group but Eva would batter me all over

Eva: yes, yes i would

Heather: duncan stop being horrible

Duncan: but my phone keeps going off and im busy

Heather: what playing football with geoff

Courtney: 😭-

Duncan: yes now stop please

Heather: you've made me not want to stop spamming now

Geoff: not trying to get involved but we can just put our phones on do not disturb

Heather: ffs

Cody / Noah priv chat

Cody: Noah? x

Cody: Noahhhh x

Cody: why are you leaving me on openedddd x

Cody: you know what idc im not speaking to you

Cody: whyyyyy

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