Secret Santa

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Cody: Heyy

Heather: hi

Noah: hi

Cody: I'm still angry at you

Gwen: why lol

Izzy: yeah why lmao

Cody: Noah broke my phone

Duncan: oop

Cody: he didn't break it properly, he fucking cracked the screen

Courtney: oof

Cody: he literally slammed it down

Noah: Cody it was an accident

Noah: and you didn't seem to mind when i slammed you down after

Courtney: woah-

Izzy: overshared buddy

Noah: I think I did

Duncan: kinky

Noah: Fuck off

Duncan: no

Izzy: Merry Christmas guys

Noah: woah did Izzy just be normal?

Noah: merry christmas btw

Courtney: merry christmas! :)

Bridgette: yeah merry christmas guys :)

Cody: merry christmas (:

Heather: sorry but who tf puts the smiley face that way around

Alejandro: I do

Heather: not surprised

Noah: oOoOoOooo

Alejandro: Noah, I like Heather as a friend

Heather: ^

Bridgette: does anyone wanna do late Christmas shopping with me

Courtney: sure!

Heather: suree

Dj: yeah!

Geoff: I'll come along dudes

Gwen: same ig

Cody: me and Noah are

Noah: since when

Cody: since now (:

Noah: fine

Bridgette: Bus?

Courtney: yeah sure

Heather: ^

Bridgette: bus it is


Bridgette: Hi we're back :)

Trent: Hiii

Cody: Hi

Justin: Heyyy

Harold: Hi

Bridgette: We're doing secret santa


Heather: I refuse to accept that its Christmas eve eve

Courtney: same tbh

Heather: its the least Christmasy Christmas since I can remember lol

Gwen: back off heather

Heather: chill tf out Gwendolyn

Courtney: ik Gwen theres nothing to worry abt

Gwen: ok

Courtney: <3

Gwen: <3

Noah: ew

Heather: ik

Duncan: ik

Courtney: oh shut up

Noah: no

Heather: no

Duncan: no

Cody: shut up

Noah: fine

Dj: shut up

Duncan: fine

Heather: I love how no one told me to shut up 😎

Courtney: shut up

Heather: fine

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