Couple fight

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Heather: I hate how much you all obsess over Noah and Cody, like why not obsess over hotter and sexier couples, like me and Court?

Cody: You arent hotter nor sexier than me and Noah. Fact.

Courtney: Ye we are now shush

Noah: course

Heather: shut it Noah

Noah: No

Heather: why

Noah: coz were just better

Heather: Oh yeah? How?

Noah: Ok. First, me and Cody got together in the second season of total drama, and we've been inseparable ever since. Everyone thinks we're good for each other and we're practically famous. Go.

Heather: ...

Heather: Um

Cody: HA HA

Heather: Well to start off, me and Courtney are like a real couple.

Cody: wdym real couple?

Heather: I mean me and Courtney dont just fuck like mad everyday, we actually care for each other

Cody: Right I've had it up to here, me and Noah love each other so much and we care a lot for each other, much more than you and Courtney. And we dont just fuck like mad everyday. I mean, we do, but not everyday. We respect each other and we are a good couple. So shut it please before I fucking start even more.

Heather: ...

Duncan: bitch has been silenced

Heather: oh shut up

Duncan: No. Anyways, me and Dj are hotter then both of yous

Noah: HA

Dj: He kinda true tho

Cody: its Deej so I cant really get mad but I stand by the fact that me and noah are the best

Duncan: bitch no

Noah: Who got together first? Dj and Duncan or Heather and Courtney?

Duncan: cant fuckin remember tbh

Dj: right I gotta go im cooking food for me and Dunc


Dj: teehee

Dj: Duncan thank me

Duncan: Thank youuu

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