Pranks 🤭

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Cody / Courtney

Cody: Courtneyyyyy

Courtney: Yes?

Cody: Why dont we do this and see what happens

Courtney: What

Cody: So heres my genius idea, u message Heather saying that shes gave u a hickey even tho she hasnt, and ill do the same with Noah and see there reactions??? 🤭❤️❤️😟🤔🤭🫢😟🥳🥺😭🤬😞😘😣🤭😔😂🥵😖😞

Courtney: Lets do this shit 🫣🥺😉🥺😫😖😖🤫🤔😔🤭😘😖😣🤬😭🎈🎉🤭🎊😞🩷

Courtney / Heather

Courtney: Heatherrrr

Heather: yes ml x

Courtney: there is a problemo x

Heather: Whats up?

Courtney: You've gaven me a hickey

Courtney: A noticeable one x

Heather: Have I??

Courtney: Yes

Heather: I do not remember that

Courtney: bitch we were prob drunk or sumn do u need proof?

Heather: I would love proof x

Courtney: Marks all over my neck chest and thighs now its not gonna be easy to wear shorts 😭

Heather: Aw im sorry don't get upset

Heather: And on the good side atleast people will know that u belong to someone

Courtney: Aw I love u x

Courtney: And it was a joke xx

Heather: Oh, I was gonna say I can't remember that at all x

Heather: And I love u to xx

Courtney / Cody

Courtney: Hahaha I made her believe shed actually done it

Cody: I am so good at thinking of pranks

Cody: My turnnnn

Cody / Noah

Cody: Noah?

Noah: Yes honey x

Cody: um so basically

Noah: yes?

Cody: u have kind of um

Noah: spit it out Cody

Cody: U've gave me a really bad hickey

Noah: Payback for when u done it to me

Noah: Where is it? x

Cody: Well theres 2 on my neck a big one on my chest and there littered about all over my thighs

Noah: And the problem is?

Cody: The problem is that everyone's gonna see them.

Noah: So fuck

Cody: Do u not care

Noah: I care about giving them to you and I care about them being on ur body but I dont care that people r gonna see

Noah: If someone says something tell me and I'll start them. Simple xx

Cody: U havent really it was a joke x

Noah: Oh okay. Do u want some? x

Cody: Omw 🏃‍♀️

Courtney / Cody

Courtney: Cody its been 20 minutes where r you

Cody: Sorry haha I got kinda busy

Courtney: I'm not even gonna get into that. But I have a idea

Courtney: why don't we tell dj to do it with Duncan?

Cody: ooooooooooooooooooooooh

Courtney: im on it 🤭

Courtney / Dj

Courtney: Deej?

Dj: Whats up Court?

Courtney: Well ummmmmm do u know what a hickey is

Dj: I may seem innocent but do not underestimate me

Courtney: woah jumpscare

Courtney: Anyways, as a prank u should msg Duncan saying he's given u a big one and see his reaction

Dj: Hahah good idea, I'll do it!

Courtney: Go go go! Report back to me!

Dj: Yes sir! 🫡

Dj / Duncan

Dj: Duncan x

Duncan: Yes beautiful x

Dj: uve sort of kind of done something x

Duncan: Have I done something wrong? Tell me whats happened?

Dj: You've gave me a rather noticeable hickey...

Duncan: Oh

Duncan: Hahaha

Dj: not even kidding its right down my neck x

Duncan: Im proud xx

Dj: Oh yeah? Proud that everyones gonna know ive been up to stuff like this?

Duncan: Oh I'm sorry do u not like it? Coz if u dont ill help u cover it up? Are u mad?

Dj: No no its okay it was a joke darling x

Duncan: u got me worried that u were maddddd


I seen these on tiktok so I thought why dont I do it?

Anyways toodles

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