underrated friendships

924 12 39


Courtney: sounds good!

Noah: ok lemme start, Geoff and Leshawna

Gwen: this ^

Duncan: speaking of Geoff and Leshawna, did you adopt any pets?

Leshawna: yess, I got a grey bulldog called Will

Geoff: I got a Golden Retriever called Mike

Leshawna: like stranger things 😝

Noah: see? underrated friendship

Cody: yesss

Courtney: I have another one, Leshawna and Duncan

Heather: I could actually see that

Gwen: same

Courtney: ikr

Duncan: I have one

Duncan: Cody and Heather

Izzy: YES

Izzy: Courtney and Heather too

Cody: ^ both of them

Gwen: .

Heather: oh ffs Gwen CHILL OUT HOW MANY TIMES

Gwen: whatever

Courtney: So, for underrated friendships, I like Izzy and Noah

Izzy: oooo

Noah: I cant honestly answer why I am friends with her

Izzy: lmfao ikr


Lindsay: I'm totally friends with Lenasha!!

Leshawna: yeah ig lmao


Gwen: hi guys

Noah: of ffs

Gwen: fuck off

Noah: no

Courtney: ffs stop!

Cody: ^

Heather: Finally I'm not included in drama

Courtney: lol


Heather: hey im proud of this don't start

Gwen: Start what-

Heather: yk what im not even gonna reply

Courtney: welcome to the blanking crew Heath

Heather: yesss

Gwen left Tea ☕️

Courtney: fucking hell

Heather / Courtney

Heather: Court, I just want to apologise. You and Gothy were on great terms, but ever since you and I got closer you guys haven't been to close. As much as I hate her I just want the best for you. <3

Courtney: No it's fine! Really! It isn't your fault. Truth be told, I want to break up with her, but I'm not sure. I love Gwen a lot, but I think it's for the best. It'll make me worry less about everything. But thank you for messaging me. <3

Heather: no prob :)

Heather: come over?

Courtney: sure :)

Tea ☕️

Noah: Oh please, you barely text in this chat, and when you do we're never enthusiastic or anything so idk why you even bother-

Beth: Shut up Noah!

Heather: we've missed a lot-

Courtney: agreed!

Beth: Noah here wants to be a bastard to me

Noah: yeah cause you were fucking starting on Cody

Courtney: oh no, Cody are you okay?

Cody: yeah I am now thank you :)

Beth: I didn't start on him at all!

Heather: who started this group? whoever did please kick Beth out

Courtney: It was Chris

Heather: @/chris

Chris: yes?

Heather: this is the first time I'll ever be sincerely nice to you

Chris: go on

Heather: kick Beth please I will literally transfer you twenty pounds

Chris: sure, but consider it a favour, you don't need to send me anything

Heather: thanks

Courtney: TYSM

Chris kicked Beth from Tea ☕️

Noah: thanks

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