Poor Noah... Lucky Noah

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Cody: hi

Duncan: hi

Trent: hi

Justin: hi

Gwen: hi

Courtney: hi

Gwen: what yall up 2

Cody: chillinggg

Gwen: kewl

Heather: Id tell u but I dont like u

Noah: omfg why not have a normal convo for once!

Duncan:  anyone wanna go B&M

Cody: I want more halloween decor

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Cody: I want more halloween decor


Trent: pick*

Duncan: omw Code


Noah: oh k

Cody: ??

Noah: nothing just go

Cody: ok then... bye

Noah: bye


Cody / Duncan priv chat

Duncan: outside

Cody: ok!


Cody's pov

"See ya, babe!" I smile to my boyfriend, leaning down to hug him, he just patted my back then pushed me up. He hadn't been in the best of moods lately, I wonder why.

"Bye..." he said.
Oh I hope that wasn't his bottom lip trembling, he does that before he cries. I brush it off thinking nothing of it before leaving the house, to find the matte grey car parked outside.

"Hey, Cody, you alright?" he smiled.
"Yeah... I guess," I sighed.
"Well you don't sound it. What's up?"
"It's Noah. I think he's mad at me, he hasnt been the same for the past few days, he hasnt been as affectionate and... uh... how do I put this..."

"Yeah... kinda."
"You can say that around me you know, I say stuff to you about mine and Dj's sex life," he laughed, which I did to.
"It's just that he's normally always initiating it and I do enjoy it, I just don't think I show it enough and that's why he's upset, because he thinks I'm forcing myself to like it. So that's why I asked to come with you, I'm gonna get him something, and something... for.."
"Something sexy?"
"Kinda..." I said reluctantly, I wish I never said it.

He smiled as we set off down the road.
"You know, I think I have just the trick for you if you wanna do something sexy that would turn Noah on," he smiled cheekily.

I didn't answer to what Duncan said, I was just to memorised by looking out the window at the moment.

We pulled up in the B&M car park, and drove around for a couple minutes to find a space, because it was quite busy. We ended up parking in a toddler parent space. There was nowhere else! At least it was closer to the shop, since it was freezing. We got out the car and made our way to the entrance.

Duncans pov

A sharp gasp came from Cody as he ran to something that must have caught his eye.

I followed after him, "what is it?"
"Noah's gonna love this!" Cody beamed, picking up a litre bottle of watermelon flavoured Smirnoff, he almost dropped the bottle, as he didn't realise the weight of it.
"You sure? Are you sure you don't want to play it safe and get the original?" I said.
"I'm sure! He gets it every time we go out," he stated.

"I'm surprised it's not one of his 'life threatening allergies'," I joked.
"Well, it's Noah, and it's vodka. Even if it was one of them, he wouldn't care." Cody laughed.

He held the bottle in his arms as we kept looking around.
"You know in the car, when you said you knew something that would turn Noah on?" Cody began.
"Oh! Yeah! I have just the thing for you," I smiled.

"So, you know Dj? I know it doesn't sound like him, but it really turns him on when I cook. You know since it's one of his favourite things to do, he likes seeing me do it."
"So are you saying..." he struggled to think, "I should do something Noah likes?"

Cody's pov

I thought for a second, until I remembered. Noah loves books! I'll buy him a book, and pretend to read it. Hopefully, it works.

"I'm going to look for a book, meet me at the checkout in 10?"
"Sure thing," he smiled cheekily, he knew my idea.

I head off to the book section, looking for one I don't think he has. There was one book he's been wanting for a while. I scanned the shelves for a while, until it caught my eye. I picked it up instantly, a smile spreading on my face.

He's going to love this.

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