Chapter 13

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The leaders of the Future Foundation had gathered at their main base of operations in Hope's Peak, chilling unrest in the air as barely any presented themselves physically. The select members who refused to physically attend were being broadcast onto separate boards in the room.

Munakata took it upon himself to claim the main chair as their former leader's replacement, for the time being; his small group of allies and possible friends joining him as Kyoko, Naegi and Togami were the 3 who'd been forced to wait outside for the time being.

Everything in the outside world had gone silent for these past few days, no criminal activity or anything at all.

"I honestly find this situation quite pathetic." The silver-haired male began to muse as a cup of tea was placed in front of him; a small smile of recognition shone on his lips before his eyes turned back towards the several others gathered around the meeting table.

"We put the fate of society in the hands of a bunch of brats, not to mention a few men past their prime." The man behind him snorted, kicking his feet up onto the table and leaning back.

"Juzo, calm down. The real chairman would kick you out along with any other member here if he'd heard you say that." Kyosuke then sighed briefly.

"Even if you aren't wrong." He said before lifting the china cup from its saucer and sipping it gently.

Chisa Yukizome and Juzo Sakakura were the practical lackeys of Kyosuke; Chisa was his own handmaid and lover, the brute force enthusiast Juzo was his best friend from old times.

Many mumbling voices could be heard on the high-grade communications rig built into the interior walls.

As Kyosuke tapped his foot almost nervously, the main doors to the room were opened to reveal a much older man who was stroking his pure white goatee with a hint of frustration behind his sunken eyes.

"Apologies for the delay, my flight across the country took quite a while due to the sudden announcement of the late former chairman's demise." He grimaced, adjusting his collar and glancing at the entire group, noting that several were missing.

"It's not a problem at all, Mr. Tengan," Munakata stated, his agitation growing rapidly.

'Just what the hell has this old man been doing during a time like this?' He thought to himself as many sat up in their seats, the door closing as Munakata quickly changed seats with the older man.

"Now then, let's get started."

A screen behind the many leaders of the Future Foundation came to light as it began a replay of the recent explosion that took place in their building, many of the others remaining silent while the silver-haired man only grit his teeth before giving the chairman a chance to speak at all.

"This is what happens when we let despair run rampant among this world, someone who has the desire to harm someone can just as easily kill almost anyone. Our deceased chairman didn't do his job correctly and it led to his death. Who's to say we won't all be killed here right now?!" He shouted, a fist slamming into the wooden table as it cracked.

"Munakata, please control yourself and allow me to speak. You may be the vice-chairman but we are NOT equal in power." Tengan spat, fiddling with a small remote to change the monitor behind them to several lined up records relating to the past murderous incidents.

Many murmurs were exchanged as the vice-chairman took his seat with a bitter laugh.

'Things would be better if I usurped the position of chairman a long time ago, good thing He'll bite the bullet soon given his age.'

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