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Protection against deception, and never allow others to read your emotions. And whoever stands before you, don't let them push you around. Remember that.

At least, that was what the female detective of the Future Foundation believed when growing up and now into adulthood. She stood upon a mountain of achievements regarding her sense of justice. 

This woman was Kyoko Kirigiri, The top agent in the detective agency centered in the supposed happy and quiet city of Hope's Peak. 

In many cases, The way the detective agency selected the best of the best. Yet a darker side lies underneath the sizeable crime-stopping force.

The foundation collected orphaned children and gave them proper care and forced education. This wouldn't be considered brainwashing; it would be painting a blank canvas to ensure the world's future, which would have a relaxed existence.

Kyoko did what she thought was right, not following in a parental figure's footsteps or anything of that nature. Solving crime felt like nothing more than what she was good at from the start. 

The mindset of Kyoko was simple. All that mattered was justice, even by her own hands.

While having a rough upbringing, The woman she was today and who she was proud of were all high standards. She had no taste in relationships or anything of the sort. 

Two people sat in the tinted office of The Future Foundation: the organization's leader and Kirigiri herself. 

Crossing her legs, she was dressed in Black dress pants, a lavender button-up shirt with long sleeves and bronze cuffs, and a black blazer left unbuttoned. A small glass of juice rested in her hands.

"I'd like to congratulate you on the capturing and rehabilitation of Genocider Syo." He rasped, Putting a pinch of tobacco in a pipe and pressing it to his lips.

A puff of smoke filled the dim area, and the scent reached Kirigiri's nostrils. Her nose crinkled in disgust as she bowed her head.

"Thank you, sir. She seemed attracted to one of our workers here, and we were able to work out a deal in the end."

Kyoko gripped her shoulder in almost sheer awkwardness. Eyes turning away towards the bright city before them. 

She sipped the glass and held a blank expression from the silence, Admiring the lights silently.

The male behind the desk then spoke up.

"As much as you've done, I'd like to request something from you."

Kyoko raised a thin brow, Lying back and sipping the glass with a sigh.


"Have you heard of the recent spike of late night killings?" 

Kiri's light-colored eyes narrowed as she sat the glass down.

"Yes, I am aware."

A soft sigh as another puff of smoke filled the dim room.

"If it's not too much to." The male was instantly interrupted as Kyoko stood up.

"I'll look into it personally; I don't mind not having a break."  She traced a finger along the table, Glancing at the city lights as a dullness lay beneath her eyes. Kirigiri had bags under her eyes yet was wide awake. How she functioned was a mystery to even the foundation.

"I was only suggesting this, you know." He sat down the pipe, leaning back in the Cherrywood frame chair.

"I'll find who's doing it. It doesn't matter to me." Kyoko muttered, eyes directed towards the floor. As tough as she was, sometimes she just wanted to leave and take time to herself. The other relished in the thought of working alone, as it was the only absolute pleasure and satisfaction in her daily life.

"As you wish, but please remember you can't burden yourself with everything alone. If there are any more interruptions, I'll have to pair you with Detective Togami."

She flinched, Heading for the door.

She hated Detective Togami with a fiery passion; rich snobs like him got under her skin. 

"Understood," Kirigiri whispered, Unclenching a fist as she reached for the door handle.

Exiting the room, Kirigiri swiftly walked through the halls, Ignoring any attempted conversion or person who crossed her gaze.

The woman was in no mood to talk, Let alone make plans with the bland people of the corporation itself. To everyone, She was nothing but a big shot and eye candy for any male, which sickened her to her core.

Finally reaching her destination, Kirigiri gripped the keys in her palm as she sighed and unlocked the car door. Stepping a foot inside, She flipped on the lights and adjusted herself.

Kyoko rode home in silence, her gloved 

Pulling into the small garage, Kirigiri left the car, shut the door, and quickly entered the house.

She lived alone. 

Passing by the kitchen, she thought about making dinner before shaking her head and deciding to work instead. 

Kirigiri slipped off her gloves with a sigh, examining her hands as she walked up the stairs toward her main office, which took up most of the second floor.

Grasping the door handles gently, she pushed the dark grey doors out of her way to a completely pitch-black room. Upon flicking the light, her eyes met a large set of bookshelves and a curved desk covered in files, Papers, and a few textbooks. 

An alcohol locker was stored in the very back, Locked tightly.

Her lavender eyes examined the desk as she undid the many braids in her hair, hung her blazer on the coat rack, and sat down in the comfortable chair.

Kirigiri laid her head back. Her eyes focused on the chandelier-like object on the ceiling. She let out a short groan. The stench of tobacco in that office had given her a headache. 

Sitting up, she grasped a folder from the drawer on her desk. Despite the boss requesting her assistance, She'd already looked into it.

In a matter of minutes, Several pictures and documents containing information on the crime were scattered across the desk. Are they the only things missing? 

Just what in the hell was the point of these murders, and who was doing it?

According to what she could observe from a glance, the targets themselves are varied and might not even have any connection to the culprit.

Examining a picture closely, Kirigiri sipped a cup of hot coffee. The sweetness itself had counteracted the burning of her tongue. Setting the hot cup on a nearby coaster, she picked up a pen and notebook she always kept on hand. 

Kyoko shuffled through several files before one particular stood out to her.

"The victim's head was crushed in by several swings from a blunt force object, potentially a pipe?" She murmured, reading and picking up a few pictures attached to the file.

"There were no fingerprints or any source of DNA on the pipe that lay nearby or the male's body. Interesting..." She whispered, Writing out these details before closing the notebook, Hoping the ink wouldn't smear. 

When she put the pictures together, she inserted threads and thumbtacks to connect them before something caught her eye. 

Off to the side, at the scene of almost every murder, a single letter was spray-painted on the wall.

There was a message here, but what?

After an hour of examination and brainstorming, Kirigiri mumbled a single word. 


Did the apparent murderer want to strike fear and despair into people's hearts? None of this made sense to the female detective, but she was glad she quickly connected some of the finite dots.

Slowly and surely, No matter how much it took. Kirigiri would solve this case alone if she had to.

A/N: Welcome to Soft Spot, A twist on murder and affection in most modern Detective AU's. I welcome all Danganronpa fans because I've become a nerd for this game/show and the fandom.

Edit: Enjoy the revisions; I will update this story soon.

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