Chapter 6

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“Everyone get as far back as possible, We’ll treat the injured once we get the chance!” A blonde male in a suit called out, A standard M911 pistol in his hand while his other hand fixated his glasses into their normal position.

A biker gang had tried robbing a bank with weapons and obviously no plan if it was this rushed.

“Atrocious display of planning, No matter how many men they have, Half are already dead.” Togami murmured as Fukawa cowarded behind him. 

Her normal personality was in a state of fear which he didn’t mind much at all seeing as he was her guardian. 

“As leader of the 14th division, I’d like all Future foundation members to only tend to the wounded while I shall handle the rest!” He barked, Wiping sweat from his forehead as he attempted to calculate how to either kill or apprehend the rest of the people he didn’t kill from the windows.

The group was truly arrogant, Most cowering in fear in the main safe of the bank. The rest shouted death threats at the members of the future foundation.

He realized what needed to be done as his teal orbs glanced at the pouch which held a special item. 

“Fukawa, Do you have your scissors?” He asked as she looked up, Purple hair fluttering in the wind.

“Yeah, Why?” 

Without hesitation, He pulled the gun-like item from his holster and zapped her in the neck. She fell back before sticking out her tongue and bolting off the ground, Her once violet eyes were now blood red with only one intention. To kill.

While her rehabilitation was for her to control her second side, Togami made adjustments and a single device that left her unharmed all while activating her persona Genocider Syo. He also made sure she’d train on a daily basis so her physical abilities were unmatched even without being an official member; she had the power to kill all who were left.

Togami smirked in Triumph while crossing his arms. 

Genocider Syo was now bursting into the building, Blades going through two members' necks as she then swiped her hand across, Slitting their necks open as blood splattered the bullet filled walls and soaked her glasses which she proceeded to snip in half and rolled to a pillar, Gazing at the frightened men who remained.

Glancing at the floor, She noted a cheap blackmarket Assault rifle laying on one of the men's now lifeless bodies before sliding across the floor.

Shouting was heard as she was able to evade the bullets that only grazed the flooring and bounced away to be mixed with shards of glass and blood.

She picked up the rifle, safely behind a steel desk as she checked the magazine, It was decently filled with 7.62 rounds. All she needed for the rest that weren't in the safe.

“It’s a single girl! Take her down!” A man shouted before a bullet went through his skull and many of the other men were shaking with fear as Fukawa was now in full on sprint, Trigger happy as she gunned down the men and tossed the magazine away.

In a swift motion she’d swiped a magazine from a dead gang member's corpse and put it in, Continuing as screaming and blood filled the large area.

It was a complete blood bath as many people who could see through the blockade covered their mouths in horror.

“Alright Jackasses! Who else wants to die?!” She roared as she let out a demonic laugh. 

She dropped the rifle, Twirling both scissors in her hands as blood splattered on the overturned furniture and decor. She avoided killing any civilians in the whole process which was a good sign, Most were passed out, Dead or injured. 

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