Chapter 1

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“Despair, Huh?” The head of the foundation took a drag from his pipe before setting down with a sigh. 

“Yes.” Kirigiri tossed the pictures onto the table, Each letter circled in a dark red ink.

“Do you have any idea just what even a single word could mean to the population of this city?” He grunted in frustration as he sat his head on his palms.

“Sir, With all due respect, It’s a killing spike. I’m sure whoever is doing this can be taken down in self defense and the killing would be pardoned entirely.”

“That’s not the point!” The leader shouted before adjusting his tie and taking a deep breath.

 Before Kirigiri could speak up the door opened up to a short male dressed in the usual Future Foundation uniform yet the suit was buttoned and his jacket was over it and left unzipped.

“Sorry I’m late! I was busy getting tea.” He held up a mug and cheekily rubbed the back of his neck, Not noticing Kirigiri in the room, Eyes locking onto the boss as a happy go lucky grin spread across his cheeks. The male was praying to Kami he wasn’t interrupting anything important.

“Ah, The luckster.” 

The boy gave a mock salute while Kirigiri rubbed her hands together silently, No matter what they always had gloves over them.

“At ease, Makoto Naegi.” He waved a hand before his mood almost changed completely.

Naegi’s hazel eyes softened as he looked at Kirigiri.

“Nice to meet you, I just started here!” He held out a pale hand.

On instinct, before he could grasp her hand. Kirigiri slapped his hand away.

“Mister Magath, With all due respect was it necessary for someone like him to be here?” She questioned, Averting her Lavender eyes into a hardened gaze towards him.

Naegi’s head drooped down, eyes locking with the floor.

Magath let out a sigh.

“Due to your interruption, I forgot to mention that last night…” He blew out a puff of smoke from his mouth and let out an almost sly smirk.

“You’ll be teaching the noobie.” 

Kirigiri felt her finger twitch, In her mind this is the first time she’d ever been provoked to hit a higher up despite knowing that would get her nowhere.

Meanwhile Naegi’s eyes widened while stepping back.

“She’s gonna be teaching me?! Her eyes were staring into my soul like I was the bane of her existence a few seconds ago!” He crossed his arms before running his hands through his spiky hair with a groan. 

Theo Magath, The leader of the fondation let out a slight chuckle while putting away his paperwork, continuing to observe the pair.

With the sound of scraping against wood, Kirigiri was now face to face with Naegi who was practically quivering in slight fear at this point. 

Her darkened eyes examined the smaller adult as she only then backed away. 

“You look softer than a small kitten.” She said with a snort.

Makoto’s eyes narrowed before scoffing. 

“So you’re calling me cute?”

They both growled at each other.

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